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« 3D Scanning Laser Cutting »

3D Modeling and Printing of the PCB holders - InkScape and Fusion360

In order to Model the PCB holders I started from the Inkscape file, where I already have the screw-holes for the PCB.

So I exported the Holes Layer as a .dxf file as described in the picture below, and from that I could then build the 3D model on top for both the LED and BrainBoard PCB holders.

Exporting the holes from Inkscape and build the 3D model on top

I then used the same procedure to create the holder for the Brain Board:

The Brain Circuit Holder

Here you can see the Slicing of both LED and Brain Board Holders:


As you can see in the picture below, I first designed the holder with a tail using the same principle I used for the Laser_Cutting models, but I soon realize it would have been too fragile. Under Eduardo suggestion I changed it as shown on the right side of the image below.

The evolution of my 3D printed PCB holders

Unfortunately, as I explained later here, the LED holder couldn't handle the hits when I started played with it and broke very soon.

Inserting the nut for the "Flower" with an solder iron

both the holder working

What is the point of the press on the LED holder on the last image? As I wrote before the holder broke very soon and I didn't have time to made another one. Anyway in one of the next iteration I am going to improve the whole design.

3D Modeling and Printing of the Molds - TinkerCad

Designing in TinkerCad

3D printed

3D Printing of the Handlers

3D Printed Handlers