3D Modeling and Printing of the PCB holders - InkScape and Fusion360
In order to Model the PCB holders I started from the Inkscape file, where I already have the screw-holes for the PCB.
So I exported the Holes Layer as a .dxf file as described in the picture below, and from that I could then build the 3D model on top for both the LED and BrainBoard PCB holders.

I then used the same procedure to create the holder for the Brain Board:

Here you can see the Slicing of both LED and Brain Board Holders:

As you can see in the picture below, I first designed the holder with a tail using the same principle I used for the Laser_Cutting models, but I soon realize it would have been too fragile. Under Eduardo suggestion I changed it as shown on the right side of the image below.

Unfortunately, as I explained later here, the LED holder couldn't handle the hits when I started played with it and broke very soon.

What is the point of the press on the LED holder on the last image? As I wrote before the holder broke very soon and I didn't have time to made another one. Anyway in one of the next iteration I am going to improve the whole design.
3D Modeling and Printing of the Molds - TinkerCad

3D Printing of the Handlers