19. Project development

This week I worked on CNC Foam cutting Machine.

What tasks have been completed, and what tasks remain?

Completed: glove and sensors and case

remain: moving it while its on wall not only on table plus connecting it via Bluetooth

What has worked? What hasn’t?

what worked - cardboard sensor one finger - textile sensor one finger - glove laser cut - textile sensor with glove - CNC Case

What didn’t - The silicon on fabric defiantly didn’t work - first laser acrylic Case - 3D printing the sides of the Case

What questions need to be resolved?

the Bluetooth between 2 parities not only one like I need to figure out how to connect my sensor as input with the output (servo with mechanical parts) from a distance

What will happen when?

to have an art piece easily opened … moved with the glove ti make connection with the user as

What have learned?

to do things step by step … like safe things like cardboard flex sensor worked i moved to textile… textile worked then move to final laser cut textile with a glove

same with the case first laser cut wood, acrylic then try to modify it and add 3D printed parts then made a CNC design and cut it

so not all things work all at once … but they work step by step and gradually to optimize things