11. Applications and Implications

This week I worked on defining my final project idea even more and answering few questions regarding it for clarifications.

Individual assignment :

What will it do?

Name of the project: BOR-Glove - a Glove controller for output device-

this would be a glove controlled by stretchsensor - Stretch sensors are a type of sensor designed to measure soft structures, including soft robots and the human body. These stretch sensors are essentially flexible capacitors. When the sensor deforms (due to stretching or squeezing) its capacitance value changes. The sensor sends data about its capacitance to a Bluetooth enabled device. Stretch sensors can be made in various sizes, elasticities, and sensitivities depending on desired application.

stretch sensor structure sensor

There are two main versions of stretch sensor: A silicone based sensor and a fabric based sensor. The silicone variety offers a set of mounting holes to attach to your system, while the fabric variety has a thin sew-able region on each side of the sensor which is perfect for integrating with wearable applications.

I wanted to have a wearable device to control art installation … as I am an architect and its the main goal which is being helpful for designers to control patterns digital or physical from a distance.


diagram 2

gloves Creating a wearable electronics, embeddable sensors gloves… to control parametric Pattern on wall, fabrics …

Texttile laser cut pattern would start with experimenting laser cut pattern on fabrics

3d printed pattern then i would upgrade it to a 3D printed pattern on Fabrics(Better to be Elastics)

3d printed pattern 2 Try Different 3D Printed Patterns

Mechanism of movement Mechanism

original sketch Original Sketch

Who’s done what beforehand?

Stetch Sense company

sensors on hand sensor

The inside of the stretch sensor consists of a stretchable signal electrode sandwiched between two ground electrodes which are separated by silicone dielectric insulators. Since the sensor is essentially a flexible parallel plate capacitor, the two dimensions that change when the sensor is stretched are thickness and area of the conductive layers. Stretching the sensor increases area and decreases thickness which both contribute to an increase in capacitance. Since capacitors resist a change in voltage, the capacitance can be indirectly measured through an applied voltage. By applying a voltage to the sensor and comparing the actual voltage output to what would be expected without a capacitor, the capacitance of the sensor can be determined.

glove glove Fabric stretch sensor sensor Silicone stretch sensor sensor


intsructable DIY Glove Controller With E-Textile Sensors glove

e-textile sensing glove glove

Output- using nitinol SMA - memory alloy wire

Shape and memorize

Animated Vines

What will you design?

The process

Step1: i would design a glove made with textile using laser cut to cut conductive and stretch fabrics glove

Step2: design stretch sensor input with microcontroller so design the Input board Check Input devices week 10 docmentation for experience doing that.So I would check its ability to firstly turn LED “on” while you squeeze. When the sensor deforms (due to stretching or squeezing) its capacitance value changes.

Step3: output board with receiving so I would design the output board for the Nitinol -to take it into another level by controlling patterns on fabrics(nitinol embedded) Output devices week 12 docmentation

if I get first step done then I try to control something on the screen a wave or so via cable

The sensor sends data about its capacitance to a Bluetooth enabled device.

Step4: silicon pattern glove

To sum up I would check the correct interaction between the electronics, Fabrics and coding systems of the project. Its the main goal which is being helpful for designers to control patterns digital or physical from a distance.

What materials and components will be used? Where will come from? How much will they cost?

Qty Description Price Link Notes
Input “Glove”
1 Fabrics -Elastics “Spandex”Two-way stretch fabric such as lycra $10.00 https://www.amazon.com/FabricLA-Fabric-Polyester-Spandex-Strectch/dp/B084Z9VXSJ/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_1?dchild=1&keywords=two-way%2Bstretch%2Bfabric%2Bsuch%2Bas%2Blycra&qid=1587468121&sr=8-1-fkmr0&th=1
1 Bonding material Bemis Sewfree fusing (stretch bonding film) $ 16.99 https://www.extremtextil.de/en/sewfree-elastic-iron-on-adhesive-film.html
1 Conductive Materials- sensor 12.95 $ https://www.sparkfun.com/products/retired/14112
1 Electronics insulated silicone wire $0.22 https://www.daburn.com/2615-Ultra-Flexible-Silicone-Rubber-Wire-UL-3132.aspx
1 Electronics jewellery wire (for sewing loops) “heat shrink” $6.99 https://www.amazon.com/Ginsco-580-pcs-Assorted-Sleeving/dp/B01MFA3OFA/ref=sxin_0_ac_d_pm?ac_md=1-0-VW5kZXIgJDEw-ac_d_pm&cv_ct_cx=heat+shrink&dchild=1&keywords=heat+shrink&pd_rd_i=B01MFA3OFA&pd_rd_r=e8ed0734-5470-4cf7-8884-f071c36815ac&pd_rd_w=KZEyA&pd_rd_wg=Ot9NB&pf_rd_p=7be357c2-cef2-4eb3-9062-4babba4026f0&pf_rd_r=AS4W84SPK3101JCSKZ50&psc=1&qid=1587481398&sr=1-1-22d05c05-1231-4126-b7c4-3e7a9c0027d0
1 Electronics male pin headers connectors $1.50 https://www.sparkfun.com/products/116
1 hand sewing needles $0.00 https://www.amazon.com/Spiral-Eye-Needles-Set-3/dp/B083N4VKV1/ref=redir_mobile_desktop?ie=UTF8&aaxitk=9rK-jV1Q5m3TkV4aWkE24A&hsa_cr_id=9292286930501&ref_=sb_s_sparkle already have at the lab
1 strong thread $0.00 https://www.amazon.com/Robison-Anton-Rayon-Strength-Thread-1100-Yard/dp/B004KYUC6E/ref=sr_1_5?dchild=1&keywords=strong+thread&qid=1586952963&sr=8-5 already have at the lab
1 dressmakers pins $0.00 https://www.amazon.com/Colonial-Needle-Dressmaker-Steel-Inches/dp/B0042SR9LO/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=dressmakers+pins&qid=1586953058&sr=8-2
1 dressmakers scissors $0.00 https://www.amazon.com/Gingher-8-Inch-Knife-Dressmakers-Shears/dp/B000UU6SR4/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=dressmakers+scissors&qid=1587028966&sr=8-2 already at the lab
1 tiny sharp scissors $0.00 https://www.amazon.com/Scrappin-Gear-ST176-Precision-Pro-Detailing/dp/B007CRPZWW/ref=sr_1_31?crid=1ZS3M1WZ04CG1&dchild=1&keywords=tiny+sharp+scissors&qid=1587495929&sprefix=tiny+sharp+si%2Caps%2C322&sr=8-31
1 silicon (Ecoflex) $44.99 https://www.amazon.com/Smooth-Ecoflex-00-50-Platinum-Silicone/dp/B00GJ80HIC/ref=sr_1_2_sspa?keywords=silicone+molding&qid=1580908574&sr=8-2-spons&psc=1&smid=A1B7M9EQGNCLQA&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEzMVFYUFJRRzRNNlVaJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwNDE1ODkyTjIyVkI4QUdQME1KJmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTA3Mzg0ODhUVFROUk1VWDBPN1omd2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGYmYWN0aW9uPWNsaWNrUmVkaXJlY3QmZG9Ob3RMb2dDbGljaz10cnVl
Output “Smart textile”
many nitinol SMA - memory alloy wire $ https://www.amazon.com/Nitinol-NiTi-Muscle-Wire-Thick/dp/B0829PDG5Q/ref=sr_1_6?dchild=1&keywords=nitinol+SMA+-+memory+wire&qid=1586944280&sr=8-6 order many
many Beadalon Silver Plated Memory Wire Scrimps Screw-On Oval Crimp Beads (12) $6.00 https://www.amazon.co.uk/Beadalon-Silver-Plated-Memory-Scrimps/dp/B002HC5FYK Order many
1 TPU 0 $ https://www.amazon.com/SainSmart-Flexible-Printing-Filament-Dimensional/dp/B00TI3JUTM/ref=sr_1_3?keywords=TPU&qid=1580908123&sr=8-3
1 PLA 0$ https://www.amazon.com/HATCHBOX-3D-Filament-Dimensional-Accuracy/dp/B00J0GMMP6/ref=sr_1_5?keywords=PLA&qid=1580908236&sr=8-5

Add to list

  • fabric pen, gel pen or chalk
  • fray check https://jaycotts.co.uk/products/fray-check#.Wi_lQ0tpHMU

  • rotary cutter (optional)

What parts and systems will be made? the skin of the glove the microcontroller output - fabrics....

What processes will be used? Sewing for glove design - sewing machine

Laser Cutter for pattern and glove design

3D print - the glove pattern

Molding and casting for silicon glove

CNC milling for electronics

  • Input -the glove board (the stretch sensor input board) -output textile board - (nitinol board) -networking- WiFi

This way made sure my project should incorporate 2D and 3D design, additive and subtractive fabrication processes, electronics design and production, embedded microcontroller interfacing and programming, system integration and packaging

What questions need to be answered?

revise video of niel durability? …

How will it be evaluated? I would be evkualted in the process First, correct interaction between the electronics, Fabrics and coding systems of the project .

Second, if all parts are integrated in the process.

Thirdly, if its useful.

Where possible, you should make rather than buy the parts of your project? i try to make as much parts as possible like using personalized input The stretch sensor (input)itself instead of buying it from the company I would make it from elastic conductive fabrics. The fabrics to be laser cut based on the pattern as well as fabricate the mold of hand (taken from makehuman model then rhino or using scan of my hand) in order to create silicon base cooler glove for the final higher quality better looking glove and integrated in it all the electronics parts.

output personlized designed pattern using E-textiles Check Final Project Page for more details and resources