Welcome to Kaz's Fab Academy site!
My name is Casimir Jackson Maksymowicz but you can call me Kaz! I'm a 19 year old college student who intends to dual major in Design and Biology with a minor in Philosophy! I love entomology, digital fabrication, and the combined works of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle!
Weekly assignments
- week 1. Project management
- week 2. Computer Aided design
- week 3. Computer controlled cutting
- week 4. Embedded programming
- week 5. 3D Scanning and printing
- week 6. Electronics design
- week 7. Computer controlled machining
- week 8. Electronics production
- week 9. Molding and casting
- week 10. Output devices
- week 11. Mechanical design & machine design
- week 12. Input devices
- week 13. Networking and communications
- week 14. Interface and application programming
- week 15. Wildcard week
- week 16. Applications and implications
- week 17. Invention, intellectual property and income
- week 18. Project development