Project Week Map

Week Topic Relation to Final Project
Week 1: Project Management Made some beginning outlines of the final project and a 2D sketch of what it could look like.
Week 2: Computer Aided Design I did some 3D modelling of a possible motor set up with a belt and bearings. Modelled some of the various attachment I would need for the final project. Made a 3D render of my sketch from last week.
Week 3: Computer Controlled Cutting Learned to use the laser cutter. Learned about parametric design.
Week 4: Electronics Production CNC milled PCBs using v-bits to make fine traces needed for small components.
Week 5: 3D Scanning and Printing Used 3D printing, a additive process, to make a multi-material part.
Week 6: Embedded Programming Introduction to coding basics.
Week 7: Computer Controlled Machining Used the RouterCAM 1224 to miss out of 18mm Plywood. I may make a nice outside of my project using this method.
Week 8: Electronic Design Milled a stepper driver board that is similar to my final board.
Week 9: Output Devices Coded a stepper motor and other components such as a servo to move. A BLDC motor which will be in my final project with a ESC with behave similarly to a servo.
Week 10/11: Mechanical Design & Machine Building Created a draft part of my final project. BLDC moving a gear which is connected to a barrel held in bearings which spins a knitting needle.
Week 12: Input Devices Attempted to make a preshure button for a hand controller for my project.
Week 13: Modelling & Casting CNC machineing a wax mould. Using Silacone and resins to make casts.
Week 14: Networking & Communications Experimented with bluetooth and wifi to send communications between devices.
Week 15: Interface and Application Planning Set up a MQTT mosquitto broker to recive communications from a microcontroller and transmit to node red.
Week 16: Wildcard Week - Composites Created a two part mould to make the shell of my final project.
Week 18: System Intergration Layout and plan how different sections interact and fit together considering manufacturing and user interface.
Week 18: Applications and Implacations & Project Development Map out the final proposal and answer important questions
Week 19: Invention, Interlectual Property and Income Cover possible licensing and what version two could be