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17. Applications and implications


  • Propose a final project masterpiece that integrates the range of units covered, answering some questions.
  • Your project should incorporate 2D and 3D design, additive and subtractive fabrication processes, electronics design and production, embedded microcontroller interfacing and programming, system integration and packaging, where possible, you should make rather than buy the parts of your project
  • Your projects can be separate or joint, but need to show individual mastery of the skills, and be independently operable

This week I worked on defining my final project idea and started to getting used to the documentation process. I Propose a final project masterpiece that integrates the range of units covered.

Propose a final project masterpiece that integrates the range of units covered.


What will it do?

A water tank is filled, two sensors measure the high and low levels. If the tank is at high level, a valve must close. Otherwise, if it is at low level, it opens the valve. All the control is done by the ATTiny44A microcontroller. In general it is a level control system for domestic water tanks.

Who has done what beforehand?

Commercial models already exist for this purpose, but most of them are expensive and require specialized maintenance. The proposal is to offer a practical, functional and low priced model.

What will you design?

  • The structure of the module, i.e. the base of the small water tank,
  • The anchorages for the level sensors,
  • The protector for the PCB (electronic board)
  • The protector for the valve,
  • The PCB board (ATTiny44), and
  • The card for the sensors
  • What materials and components will be used?

  • 3D PLA Filament
  • 9mm thick MDF material
  • 5mm acrylic. of thickness
  • Attiny44A microcontroller
  • Servomotors
  • Level Sensor x 2
  • Jumpers
  • Resistors
  • Valvule
  • Where will it come from? Practically all the material is available in our digital manufacturing laboratory, with the exception of the control valve and the level sensors, which will have to be purchased in the local market.

    How much will they cost?

    Description $
    9mm thick MDF material 40
    5mm acrylic. of thickness 30
    Attiny85 microcontroller 10
    Level Sensor 10
    Valvule 20
    Jumpers 13
    Resistors 5

    What parts and systems will be made?

  • The protector or casing of the level tank.
  • The Protector of the electronic card.
  • Bras.
  • PCB board.
  • What processes will be used?

  • Cnc cut
  • Laser cut
  • 3d print
  • Electronic design and production
  • What questions need to be answered? What type of microcontroller is the most recommended to achieve our purpose?
    What components are necessary to go on the electronic card?

    How will it be evaluated? The necessary tests will be carried out to check if it detects the water level working together with the control valve; if the sensor detects the proximity of different liquids such as water, oil, gasoline, etc.

    • This is an image of the FabLAB Vigil’s working environment.

    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.