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Appendix A

I do have some experience in making robots. Namely, as part of a design project in my Bachelor’s, I have rigged a Pioneer 3-AT robot with commercial Arduino Mega and motor controller boards. At the time I worked with little information I had with power requirements, max current and voltage to spec the robot motor driver boards. The robot was then fitted with a Jetson Nano to install a ROS1 navigation stack.

The problem that was constantly faced in the project was the drive system, whereby the robot had little to no trouble with accuracy when moving forwards and backwards, but when a turning motion was involved, it would eventually go off track. Although the ROS navigation stack had localisation algorithms built in, I was not convinced that a 4 wheeled robot as such would be able to move efficiently and freeely navigate, especially if the robot were to have some sort of payload on the top.

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Last update: November 23, 2022