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20. Project Development

Assignment: Complete your final project tracking your progress.

What Tasks Have Been Completed, and What Remains?

Up to this point, June 6, 2022, I have completed the electronics of the machine and are currently working on the mechanical aspect. Right now I’m working on finding a way to create the microfiber pads and then attach them to both cases. I’ve used superglue for the first design but after talking with Dr. Fagan I’m also working on creating a press fit holder for both cases. I realized that the cases are going to move if they aren’t secured down and that probably going to be the last piece I design before working on the outer wood case.



What Has Worked? What Hasn’t?

The electronics work nicley but I had to make some adjustments to them. My original plan was to try and network all of the components together with their own respective ATTiny1614. This became complicated because networking a signal across 3 microcontrollers casued a delay in the signalling cascade so I had shifted gears and used a satshakit recommended by Dr. Fagan, this idea worked amazingly and I was able to finish the electronics shortly after. Also the power and ground board has worked nicley to power the motors even at close to full capacity. I was told by Mr. Dubick to put capacitors on them but I didn’t have time to mill another board. For the mechanics, using glue for the pads hasn’t worked. The pads woulnd’t be fully attached to the rotating gear which induced some friction, slowing and even stoppin the motor. I’m redesigning the piece so that the pad is flushed with the gear. The cases have worked well. I’ve had to make some minor adjustments to them such as drilling out the holes to be a little larger, and even using tape to hold the motors in place.

What Questions Need To Be Resolved?

With the pads rotating in a circular motion, how much of the lenses will be cleaned? Through some testing, the pad radius is sufficent, though it can’t reach the edges. The cleaner would work best for circular glasses, for more rectangular glasses it won’t reach the edges. What distacne do the two cases need to be from each other? The pads have shown me that the motors can’t handle too much pressure, and pressing the glasses against the pads to clean it will cause some pressure. I need to test which distance is most optimal, then encoporate that value in the case holder. How am I going to manage the wires? I have the common ground and power board but looking at some of the electronics images, I need to find a way to organize the wires a little more efficiently.


What is the best way to create the wood case? Their are multiple cuts that I can use, dovetails, rabbet, slot-fit, etc. I’m going to talk to Mr. Dubick for some advice.

What Will Happen When?

By June 12, 2022 I need to be completed with the mechanical part and be nearly done with the wood base. When the wood base is finished then the project is complete, and then I have to transition to the video and slide for the presentation. I made a gnatt chart at the beginning of the process to help plan a schedule. The chart shows that I started on the mechanics then the electronics but for the actual project I started with the electronics.


What Have You Learned?

What a journey. I started this class with little experience with electronics or mechanics. I had some experience with arduinos but I never understood them and I had some experience with wood working but it was also limited. I learned how a DC motor functions and the importance of using motor drivers. I learned what voltage and amperage is and how they can make a bit difference in how much power something is getting. With my project using rotational energy to rotate the pads, I learned how exactly the pressure of the belts can affect the effective rotation. Using an OLED and RFID sensor I had to figure out exactly what a class is. I didn’t have much coding experience, and I feel like I grew most in that aspect in terms of feeling comfortable with coding.

Last update: June 25, 2022