remember the Gantt chart from "project Management"? well, this is the status of the assignments and the Final project
And specifically for the final project, I made and print a new diagram with my To Do´s based on the Nuevall and the Schedule CheckList

initial stages of the green spot

a place to re-connect

What tasks have been completed, and what tasks remain?

I already had my Final Project idea and design but it remains the final shape of the base and to scale the original design, also to fit the internal components like the servo, the batteries, etc into the base

I already test the SAMD code in the Arduino IDE to move my servo and now I´m modyfing the code to position the servo in the right angle and with the delays like the time spend in that position during the day.

I have some 2d and 3d designs to be cut in the laser machine and to be print in the 3D printer.

I have aditional boards, like the LDR one

It remain to put in the same code the servo and the LDR that turns on and off the LEDS.

Also, it remain the assemble of the hole project, at this point I just made individual tests of the different components.

What has worked, what hasn´t?

The new board works fine but the drawing in rhino and the scale in Slicer it´s not the same when you import the document, we need to fix this in order to laser cut the base.

What questions need to be resolved?

the solar panels charge the 4pack of batteries?

The servo rotate the axis of the principal leaf when all the components where fit in place?

The length of the brass rod and of the acrylic tube to fit in the base and into the assemble component of the servo?

What will happen then?

Everything is model in fusion, so i can know in advance the lengths, and where the components fix, but when you have all the pieces in person we can be sure if everything goes well or maybe need some adjustments.

What have you learned?

That the assignments build together the final project, and if I know what´s going to be my final project I could work in the components of my final project from the beggining, but I change my mind so many times, and it was because the lockdown comes just right when we where starting the Academy and resume the activities in the labalmost 2 years later.

but I learned so great things about programming, electronics,new software like fusion360  and how everything is connected.

She is Paulina. Here we are sketching the new components of the green spot over a 3d image so she can redesign the base and I can continue with the design of the new components.

Measuring the bearings so I can start filling the Parametrycs in fusion360
Some parametrycs that I fill in the table, here you can name it and give them an "X" value or an expression in dimesnions, here I use mm.
I want to fit this components into the base, so here I made some drawings in the image to show it to Paulina so I can explain better my idea and wich components to fit in.


a place to re-connect

position of the sun
Path of the sun here in the Universidad Anáhuac México
Different methods to choose the right angle to set up your solar panels
path of the sun in summer and during winter
the incline I choose for my panels is 16.9º


a place to re-connect

Image of the PCB with components and traces ready to export it to a PNG image
My redesign of the SAMDINO, the Hugodino, this PCB its the one who´s going to control my project
PNG image of my SWD PCB
The PNG image of my PCB, always import a PNG image of the PCB and of the outline if need it

A shot of the SWD finish, with this I will program my Hugodino board
The leafs covers in Autocad, this drawing is in a DWG format. Here I´m choosing the color of the layer so the laser machine knows if it is a cut or just engrave.

Here you can see that is printing the support that atache the object to the bed of the machine, over this will start to print your final piece


a place to re-connect

first Ilook for the schematics of Arduino for the Servo and the LEDS with LDR to start to do some programming and test the variables of the code

first Ilook for the schematics of Arduino for the Servo and the LEDS with LDR to start to do some programming and test the variables of the code
Then I look and install the libraries missing for the servo
Here´s a code that moves a Servo motor in different degrees, thats just what I need for my project.
And works well, it was easy

Here I´m testing leds ON/OFF with an LDR
Then I redesign the SAMDINO to fit my requeriments so I can replace the arduino with it and start programming a new code
First I had to connect my SWD to "life" so I can program my PCB Hugodino with this
Here are the hugodino board and the SWD, the connection was ok
Everything goes well. Here we use the EDBG to "turn on" the hugodino board using the WSD PCB
The led of my PCB is on indicating we are good
Mhere the code for the SAMDINO that makes the LED blink, in the future I´m going to use the SAMDINO code to design my own codes to fit my requirements
The servo is moving, thats really fine


a place to re-connect

The Green Spot

a place to re-connect