For this assignment I vacuum form the cover of one of my Final Project proposal. For this assignment I made the 3D design of the cover, then I glue together some 15mm natural MDF pieces tht would be CNC machining into the mold, RhinoCAM to setup the tooling and the CNC settings for this project, a band saw for cutting the perimeter of the mold, cal.40 polystyrene and a vacuum form machine
Vectorworks, Rhino CAM, CNC router, band saw, vacuum machine.

First I started drawing the basic shape of the top cover befor use the LOFT tool to extrude it
Here I duplicate the basic shape and reduce it a few mm
Before continuing, some important information to consider about the mold angle so we can de-mold easily.

In our case, I´m making a "male" mould

Now I´m ready to use the LOFT tool

I always conserve the original basic shapes like kind of time line doing, so if I want to change something it´s more easy.
Here you can see that I atached to the basic geometry the LCD rectangle, the pins of the A logo and the part who will receive the "lazy susan" piece.

Top and front view of the mould and construction drawings
Detail of the mould angle and material thickness : 1mm polystyrene

Detail of the concavities that will receive the ball-bearings for the "lazy susan" to turn around and help it to support the weight of the pieces exhibit on it.

This are the shapes that would be the place where the proximity sensor will be fixed.

Almost done.

Here we can see the Stepmotor inside the cover to check the distance between the step axis and the top cover.

Export the final 3D into a .OBJ archive
Here is the archive imported into Rhino CAM
Select MILL from the upper menu
Here are the settings of the tooling: straight 2 flute, 8mm dia.
Here we are setting the deep of the Z distance that would be 50% of the tooling dia.

Then the rotation speed at 1200RPM and the cut at 5000mm/min

We can see here how it´s going to be our finish mould.

if everything is fine, the we need to generate the G code

Here is the origin setting that we are going to use; G57 Origin B

Ready to push play

A detail view of the MDF in the CNC router

The mould getting shape.

The mould finished

I´m using a band saw to cut the extra material of the perimeter.

Here is the finished mould, then I attached a base of 3mmMDF, this will help me to cut the perimeter of the vacuum formed polysteryne.

It is recommended to make some holes in the bottom of the mould so the vacuum could be more effective

The mould in the vacuum form machine and the styrene before fix it in to it

The styrene is fixed in the machine just below the heat resistance.

The resistence are heating the styrene

When the styrene is ready to be vacuum form, we need to low down the styrene and then push the "vacuum" button.

When the styrene looks like is loosing shape that´s the moment to vacuum form.

Ready, thestyrene just vacuum formed overthe mould

Then i cut the perimeter with a cutter by hand following the contour.

To demold I push some air into the rear holes so the styrene could demold.

The cover with the A logo tha I made in the Moulding and Casting assignment.

the green spot

a place to re-connect