Initially I did this assignment in lockdown, because of the COVID19, I did it using an Arduino, a breadboard, etc and it was using and LCD display, now that we return to normallity I did my own PCB redesigning a SAMDINO to meet my requirements of the Final Project, in this case to move a Servo motor..
Arduino Uno, LCD display, breadboard, Dupont cables, Code, Eagle, copper plate (for the PCB), Modela machine, Welding, microcomponents, SAMD11

Basic components to do this assignment for the first time in lockdown: LCD display 16X2, Arduino 1, Breadboard, cables
First I weld the set of jumpers to the LCD display

Number, Pin, Decription and connection to Arduino

List of materials

Connections between the arduino and the breadboard to connect the LCD disply and the potentiometer

First connections: ground and VCC

All the other connections following the schematic above

Then I need to add some libraries to the Arduino

And this is the original code i use to tst the LCD display, later i change some lines to adapt it to my future project.

Every seems fine, the code works properly and the LCD shows the text, with the potentiometer you can adjust the contrast of the display

almost 2 years later, when we return to the lab.....

link to design files.

and the link to the group assignment is: FabLabCDMX.

The original SAMDINO, I use this design as the initial design, then I change some components and made a new schematic in order to fit my Final Project rqueriments

A PNG image of my PCB, we need to export the image in this format to open it in MODS

I use MODS to set up the Modela for milling my PCB

The Modela machining my PCB in the copper plate

My PCB and the components I need to weld it

For this assignment I want to blink the PCB led to check comms, then the servo rotate and the led will go ON and OFF (HIGH and LOW)
the servo only rotates from 0 to 180º VS a step motor that rotates 360º but for assignment purposes I will use the servo, so, in this tst code first the red led will turn ON and OFF, then the servo moves into 3 different positions and then the wearable LED (lamp) will turn ON, OFF and ON again

Here is the code and a video

int led = 2;
int servo = 8;
int angle;
int pwm;
int lamp = 5;

void setup()
 pinMode(servo, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(led, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(lamp, OUTPUT);

void loop ()
  //Probe PCB board function
  digitalWrite(led, LOW);

  //Move servomotor
  servoPulse(servo, 15);
  servoPulse(servo, 120);
  servoPulse(servo, 180);

  //turn On & turn off lamp
  digitalWrite(lamp, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(lamp, LOW);
  digitalWrite(lamp, HIGH);
void servoPulse (int servo, int angle)
 pwm = (angle*11) + 500;      // Convert angle to microseconds
 digitalWrite(servo, HIGH);
 digitalWrite(servo, LOW);
 delay(50);                   // Refresh cycle of servo


for our students projects