Week 1
principles and practices.
I'm a self-learner, passionate maker and DIY-er, turned into professional digital fabricator. My passion for making started from a very young age as I used to disassemble my electronic games and reassemble them again with modifications. Even when I didn’t get the chance to pursue a university degree in engineering, it didn't stop me from pursuing my passion for making through self-learning.
Joining the fab lab movement was an obvious direction for my career. I found my way into the maker community in Egypt by volunteering in multiple events such as Maker Faire Cairo, I have learned alot along the entire process and gained the trust of the maker community. As a result I was offered the position of Lab Manager at San3a Academy. Moreover, I continously build on my technical portfolio by working on freelance design projects in CAD and electronics. By joining the Fab Academy I hope I will learn from a community of experts and become a member of the global maker movement.
principles and practices.
Project Management.
computer-aided design.
computer-controlled cutting.
electronics production.
3D scanning and printing.
electronics design.
Computer-Controlled Machining.
Embedded Programming.
Mechanical design.
Input Devices.
Molding and casting.
output devices.
networking and communications.
interface and application programming.
wildcard .
applications and implications.
invention, intellectual property, and income.