Summary of Arduino Uno R3 Datasheet :
The Arduino Uno R3 is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328P. It is widely used for prototyping and electronics projects due to its simplicity, affordability, and open-source nature.
Technical Specifications :
Microcontroller: ATmega328P
Operating Voltage: 5V
Input Voltage (recommended): 7-12V
Input Voltage (limits): 6-20V
Digital I/O Pins: 14 (6 provide PWM output)
Analog Input Pins: 6
DC Current per I/O Pin: 20 mA
Flash Memory: 32 KB (0.5 KB used by bootloader)
Clock Speed: 16 MHz
Connectivity: USB Type-B
Communication: UART, SPI, I2C
Dimensions: 68.6 mm × 53.4 mm
Weight: ~25 g
Arduino Uno R3 Pin Details :
The Arduino Uno R3 has various types of pins categorized into Digital I/O, Analog Input, Power, and Communication pins. Here’s a detailed breakdown of each pin’s function and usage.
Digital I/O Pins (D0 - D13)
These pins can be used as either input or output using pinMode().
Operate at 5V logic level and can handle up to 40mA per pin.
Some pins have special functions for communication, PWM, or interrupts.
Pin-by-Pin Explanation
D0 (RX) – Used to receive serial data (UART communication). Avoid using this pin if you're using Serial Monitor.
D1 (TX) – Used to transmit serial data (UART communication). Avoid using this pin if you're using Serial Monitor.
D2 – General-purpose digital I/O. Can also be used as an external interrupt (attachInterrupt()).
D3 – Supports PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) and can be used for motor speed control, LED dimming, etc. Also supports external interrupts.
D4 – General-purpose digital I/O pin.
D5 – Supports PWM. Useful for motor drivers and LED brightness control.
D6 – Supports PWM. Similar to D5, often used in analog output applications.
D7 – General-purpose digital I/O pin.
D8 – General-purpose digital I/O pin.
D9 – Supports PWM. Often used for motor control, servos, and dimming LEDs.
D10 – Supports PWM and also serves as SPI Slave Select (SS) for SPI communication.
D11 – Supports PWM and is used for SPI Master Out Slave In (MOSI) communication.
D12 – Used for SPI Master In Slave Out (MISO) communication.
D13 – Used for SPI Serial Clock (SCK) and also controls the built-in LED on the board.
Analog Input Pins
(A0 - A5)
These pins are 10-bit Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADC), meaning they convert analog signals (0-5V) into values between 0-1023.
Can also be used as digital I/O if required.
Pin-by-Pin Explanation
A0 – Reads analog signals, e.g., from sensors like temperature or light sensors.
A1 – Similar to A0, used for measuring varying voltage levels.
A2 – Used for additional sensor readings.
A3 – General-purpose analog input pin.
A4 – Can be used for I2C communication (SDA - Serial Data Line).
A5 – Can be used for I2C communication (SCL - Serial Clock Line).
Power Pins
Used to power the board and connected components like sensors, motors, and displays.
Pin-by-Pin Explanation
VIN – Used to supply external power (7-12V recommended, max 20V). The onboard regulator converts it to 5V.
3.3V – Provides a regulated 3.3V output for low-power components like some sensors.
5V – Provides a regulated 5V output from the onboard voltage regulator.
GND (Ground) – Common ground reference for circuits (Multiple GND pins available).
AREF (Analog Reference) – Used to provide a reference voltage for analog inputs, improving precision.
IOREF – Provides a reference voltage (5V) to shields for compatibility.
Communication Pins
These pins are used for data transmission between the Arduino and other devices (e.g., sensors, displays, computers).
Serial Communication (UART)
D0 (RX) – Serial receive pin (receives data from another device).
D1 (TX) – Serial transmit pin (sends data to another device).
SPI Communication (Serial Peripheral Interface)
D10 (SS - Slave Select) – Used to select slave devices in SPI communication.
D11 (MOSI - Master Out Slave In) – Sends data from the Arduino to connected SPI devices.
D12 (MISO - Master In Slave Out) – Receives data from an SPI device.
D13 (SCK - Serial Clock) – Provides the clock signal for SPI communication.
I2C Communication (Inter-Integrated Circuit)
A4 (SDA - Serial Data Line) – Used for data exchange in I2C communication.
A5 (SCL - Serial Clock Line) – Generates the clock signal for I2C communication.
Digital Pins (D0-D13): General-purpose I/O, PWM, interrupts, UART, SPI.
Analog Pins (A0-A5): Read analog sensors, can also be used as digital pins, support I2C.
Power Pins: Provide power to circuits and components (VIN, 3.3V, 5V, GND, AREF).
Communication Pins: Enable Serial (UART), SPI, and I2C communication.
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