Week 1. Project Managment

How to organise my life for the next 5 months!!

Diarmuid Kelly

Getting Set Up

In the first week, we needed to set up a few things:

Learn & download Git

Create an SSH key

Pull the website repository (repo) from Gitlab to the local computer

Work on documentation and website

Come up with a final project idea

Editing the Website

To start editing the website, I tried out GitLab, familiarised myself with the user interface (UI), and made some small edits to my website—mainly adding my name to the sections and committing them to the repository.

I worked through this git tutorial

Check if Git is installed. I was using an Intel Mac running Mac OS 12.7.6, and this would cause issues with some later installs. Type the code below into terminal to check if its installed

git -v 

I didn’t do this!! Mistakenly, I opened the terminal on my Mac and went straight to installing Homebrew, which seemed to install fine. However, when I tried to install Git, the process seemed to start but either crashed or ran very slowly, displaying a series of errors (unfortunately, I forgot to take screenshots). I then quit the terminal window, stopping whatever was running at the time. After restarting the terminal and entering the command above. I saw that Git version 2.37.1 was installed.

Creating an SSH Key I successfully created an SSH key using the terminal and copied it into my account on the GitLab website.

Steps to upload to git lab using terminal

git status 

check status - run a pull command if necessary this might be needed I editing on another computer or on the web IDE. If working on larger projects this would be necessary

git add . 

The previous command will prepare file to be added to the repository, the step below stages them to be added.

git commit -m "add comment here about changes you are made" 

the changes are now staged ready to go online - we now need to push the changes using the following command

git push 

Changes should now be pushed to the website this could take a few min. but time to check all changes got pushed through

Learning Outcomes

I now know how to use the terminal on my Mac and some of the commands to navigate my computer system in the terminal. Before this, I had no experience with HTML, but I now have a reasonable understanding of it and can navigate and edit a webpage. I have also started an attempt to document my activities as I go along. It isn't easy to get into the swing of this, so not every step has been recorded. We also learn about image and video compression using image magick