
Vigyan Ashram

Molding & Casting

This week assignment is about moding and casting. During this assignment journey task is to study different molding and casting materials, properties of material, ratio, set time. Then make a design for mold and machine that mold in 3d printer or milling machine. observe the finishing in both process. also I learn about the machining.....

Group Assignment

Review the safety data sheets for each of your molding and casting materials.

Then make and compare test casts with each of them

compare printing vs machining molds

Individual Assignment

Design a mold around the process which we will be using, produce it with a smooth surface finish.

Use it to cast parts.

extra credit: use more then two mold parts


From wikipedia defination of molding

Moulding is the process of manufacturing by shaping liquid or pliable raw material using a rigid frame called a mold or matrix. This itself may have been made using a pattern or model of the final object.A mold or mould is a hollowed-out block that is filled with a liquid or pliable material such as plastic, glass, metal, or ceramic raw material. The liquid hardens or sets inside the mold, adopting its shape. A mold is a counterpart to a cast. The very common bi-valve molding process uses two molds, one for each half of the object.

Types of molding

Blow molding
Extrusion molding
Injection molding


From wikipedia

Casting is a manufacturing process in which a liquid material is usually poured into a mold, which contains a hollow cavity of the desired shape, and then allowed to solidify. The solidified part is also known as a casting, which is ejected or broken out of the mold to complete the process.

Casting materials are usually metals or various time setting materials that cure after mixing two or more components together; examples are epoxy, concrete, plaster and clay. Casting is most often used for making complex shapes that would be otherwise difficult or uneconomical to make by other methods. For more information Read More

During this assignment first we had review of class with mr suhas then our first task is to study safety datasheet for molding and casting material.

Types of Molding and Casting material

In our fab lab different material is available so we decided to read datasheet for that material...


I read the instruction from box of instamold that Instamold is used for temporary mold making compound. It mixes easily with water. The proportion of instamold for instamold : water is if we take 1:1 then mold strength is strong and it takes 2-3 minuts to set, if we take 1:2 then mold strength is average and it takes 5-8 minutes to set and for 1:3 mold strength is weak and it takes 10-12 minutes to set.

Then refer google for datasheet study...

Properties of Instamold

It is safe for body casting.
It can be Cast with any pourable, self setting material like plaster, wax, resin, soap that is below 300 degrees F
Made of natural materials


Direct contact can cause mechanical irritation of eyes.So It is very important to use handglows, goggles, and mask during handling of instamold. For more Refer Datasheet

We studied the different material and safety For more information Click Here

After reading datasheet we take machinable wax available in our lab which is in irregular shape so we first crushed that machinable wax.

Then weight for all crashed wax

Then we divided it into two same weight and heat it into oven.

After melting we keep it in cold water to set

Then I started designing mold in solid work I first tried for golf design.

Centered Video

Then I change sweep angle to 0-180 for forward and 180-0 for reverse direction.

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