
Vigyan Ashram

Electronics Design

Electronics Design

This assignment is about Electronics Design, which includes the basics of electronics, components, circuits, test equipment, and electronic design software for PCB design and simulation. I have used KiCad software for designing PCBs for my own board, along with documenting how I used test equipment to observe the operation of a microcontroller circuit board. Electronics is new to me, including designing PCBs, testing, and all. This assignment has helped me to learn more about electronics. My instructor Mr Suhas has guided me during this assignment and I also tried to clear my concepts by reading from google and i have attached suitable images from google for my understanding.

What is Electronics

Electrons are tiny particles that are part of atoms, and they're crucial in electronics, which is the use of electrons to create devices we use every day. Basic electronics involves simple parts that make up these devices. These parts are things like resistors, transistors, capacitors, diodes, inductors, and transformers. When these parts are connected together in a circuit and powered by a battery, they follow certain rules of physics to perform tasks. Basic electronics also involves measuring things like voltage (electrical pressure), current (the flow of electrons), and resistance (opposition to current flow) in the circuit to make sure everything works properly.

Electronics Working Principle

Electronics operate based on a fundamental principle called Ohm's law. This law states that in a circuit, the voltage (electrical pressure) is directly proportional to the current (flow of electrons) and the resistance (opposition to current flow) encountered by those electrons. In simpler terms, Ohm's law tells us that when we have a circuit with electronic components (like resistors, transistors, etc.) connected by wires to a power source (like a battery), the voltage across the components will be determined by how much current is flowing through them and how much resistance they provide to that flow. So, when designing and working with electronics, we make sure that the circuits we create follow Ohm's law to ensure proper functioning.
Electronic Circuit consist of different elements and this assignment also teach me about electronic devices, components, test equipment.I have documented all below...

Ribbon Cable

A ribbon cable is a flat and wide cable with multiple wires running alongside each other, like a ribbon. To avoid mixing up connections, one side of a cable often has a red stripe. This stripe marks where the cable should connect to pin 1 on a connector. This works well for cables with multiple connectors, but it's not as helpful for cables where each wire needs separate termination. To simplify identification, manufacturers use rainbow ribbon cables. These cables follow a color pattern like the resistor color code (for example, Brown for pin 1, Red for pin 2). Users sometimes call this "hippie cable" because of its colorful appearance. Read More

IDC connector

An insulation-displacement contact (IDC), also called insulation-piercing contact (IPC), is a connector for electrical cables. It works by pushing a sharp blade through the cable's insulation to make contact with the conductor inside, without needing to strip the insulation first. This creates a secure connection between the blade and the conductor.


Buttons and switches control things like turning on LEDs or running scripts with just a simple press or flip. No complicated math needed – they just switch between open and closed circuits.


In simple terms, a switch is like a bridge in an electrical circuit. It can either let electricity flow through or stop it.It has a little gate that opens and closes to control the flow of electricity. we can turn it on or off manually, like flipping a light switch, or it can automatically react to things like temperature or pressure, like a thermostat. There are different kinds of switches, like ones you press, twist, or flip. They're used in all sorts of things, from turning on lights to managing complex machinery. In big circuits, switches need special features to handle the high power without getting damaged.Read More


A resistor is an electrical component that limits or regulates the flow of electrical current in an electronic circuit. Resistors can also be used to provide a specific voltage for an active device such as a transistor. All other factors being equal, in a direct-current (DC) circuit, the current through a resistor is inversely proportional to its resistance, and directly proportional to the voltage across it. This is the well-known Ohm's Law. In alternating-current (AC) circuits, this rule also applies as long as the resistor does not contain inductance or capacitance.Read More

There are two common types of resistors:

Carbon-Composition Resistor:
These are made by mixing fine carbon (like graphite) with clay and then hardening it. The amount of carbon mixed with clay determines the resistance of the resistor. More carbon means less resistance. These are commonly used in electronic devices.

Wirewound Resistor:
This type of resistor is made by winding a wire (often Nichrome) onto an insulating form. Wirewound resistors can handle higher currents compared to carbon-composition resistors of the same size. However, because the wire is wound into a coil, it also acts as an inductor along with resistance. In DC circuits, this isn't a big deal, but in AC circuits, the inductance can cause issues with changes in frequency.


A capacitor in electrical engineering stores electrical energy by collecting charges on two surfaces that are kept apart. Originally called a condenser, it's a passive component with two ends.Capacitors vary in physical form and design. They typically have two conductors, like metal plates, separated by a non-conductive material called a dielectric. This dielectric increases the capacitor's ability to hold charge. Materials like glass, ceramic, or plastic film are commonly used for the dielectric.Capacitors are widely used in electrical circuits for various purposes. When a voltage is applied across a capacitor, it stores energy by creating an electric field between its plates, with positive charge on one plate and negative charge on the other. This happens without any actual flow of current through the dielectric. Read More

Polarized vs Non-Polarized Capacitor

Polarized vs Non-Polarized Capacitor

Aspect Polarized Capacitor Non-Polarized Capacitor
Directionality Can only be used in one direction Can be wired in any direction
Common Usage Power supplies to filter out ripple voltage Signal coupling to isolate AC voltage
Construction Usually electrolytic, higher capacity in smaller package Often ceramic, lower capacity per size
Replacement Can be replaced by non-polarized capacitor with same capacitance and equal or higher voltage rating Can replace polarized capacitors in most cases
Advantages Higher capacity, common in power supplies Can be used in both AC and DC circuits, lower leakage current


In electronics, we often use a component called a "crystal" to control the timing or frequency of signals. This crystal is usually made of quartz or ceramic and has electrodes attached to it. A more precise name for it is "piezoelectric resonator." We also use crystals in other electronic circuits, like crystal filters, to help manage signals better.


A resonator is a device in electronics that creates a specific frequency. It's really stable and resistant to outside interference. Just like in low-frequency circuits, resonators are super important in radio frequency circuits. They're used in things like filters, oscillators, frequency meters, and adjustable amplifiers. The ones we often use in radio frequency and microwave circuits are mostly transmission line resonators


Transistor is like a tiny switch that can control the flow of electricity. It's made of a special material called a semiconductor. This material can either let electricity flow through it or stop it, depending on how we control it.A transistor typically has three parts where we connect wires. These parts are like the entry and exit points for electricity. By sending a small electrical signal to one part, we can control whether electricity flows through the other parts or not.So, in simple terms, a transistor helps in controlling and amplifying electrical signals in electronic devices like computers, phones, and TVs.



Aspect BJT (Bipolar Junction Transistor) MOSFET (Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor)
Type of Transistor BJT Transistor MOSFET Transistor
Terminals Base, Emitter, Collector Source, Drain, Gate
Applications Low current High power
Popularity Less common nowadays More common nowadays
Control Mechanism Controlled by current at the base terminal Controlled by voltage at the gate electrode
Control Type Current-controlled device Voltage-controlled device
Usage Less frequent More frequent
Structure Simple structure Complex structure


An operational amplifier is an integrated circuit that can amplify weak electric signals. An operational amplifier has two input pins and one output pin. Its basic role is to amplify and output the voltage difference between the two input pins.The op amp is one type of differential amplifier.There are other types of differential amplifiers, each with its own special features and uses.features of amplifier:

Voltage Amplifier: It takes in electrical signals and makes them stronger.

Differential Input: It has two input terminals where you can put in different voltages.

Single-Ended Output: It gives you one output voltage that's usually higher than the inputs.

High Gain: It can boost signals a lot, making them much bigger.

Negative Feedback: This clever trick helps control the op amp's behavior using external parts. It keeps things stable and predictable.

Temperature and Tolerance: Its performance isn't too affected by changes in temperature or manufacturing differences.Read More


Electrical sensors, also known as electronic sensors, are devices that detect physical properties like heat, light, or sound, and convert them into electrical signals. These signals can be measured and used by electronic systems. The primary purpose of sensors is to measure the physical environment and trigger appropriate responses based on those measurements. For example, if we want to gauge the temperature we use temperature sensor and produce an electrical signal representing that measurement, which can then be used to activate systems like heaters or air conditioners. digital processors often handle the signals from sensors, but before that, the continuous analog signals must be converted into digital form using Analog-to-Digital converters. Sensors come in various types capable of detecting and measuring different physical quantities such as light, pressure, speed, acceleration, and mass. Depending on the application, the size and characteristics of the electrical signals produced by sensors can vary according to their use.


An actuator is like a mover in a machine. It takes in signals like electricity, air pressure, or fluid pressure and turns them into movement, force, or twisting power. It is like the part of a machine that gets things going when you push a button or flip a switch.There are different kinds of actuators. Some move in a straight line, like pushing or pulling, while others twist or turn. They can be powered by electricity, air, or fluid.Actuators need a control device, which tells them what to do, and a power source, like electricity or air pressure. They help automate machines, making them work without needing constant human input. There are two main types of actuators: ones that move in small, fixed steps and ones that move smoothly and continuously. e.g. stepper motors for small steps and e.g. hydraulic motors for smooth, continuous movement.

Voltage and Current

Parameters Voltage Current
Definition Voltage is the potential difference between two points in an electric field, which causes current to flow in the circuit. Current is the rate of flow of electrons is called current.
Symbol Voltage is represented by “V” Current is represented by “I”
Unit Volt “V” Ampere “A”
Unit Charge 1 Joule / Coulomb = 1 Volt 1 Coulomb / Second = 1 Ampere
Formula V = W / Q I = Q / t
Measuring Instrument To measure the value of voltage by connecting it in parallel we use voltmeter. To measure the value of current by connecting in series we use ampere meter.
Types Alternating Voltage and Direct Voltage Alternating Current (AC) and Direct Current (DC)
Field Produced Magnetic Field Electric Field (Electrostatic)


Kicad is the PCB design software which I have explored for this week to design my own circuit. The steps for design in kicad are as below.

Install Kicad from google

Open and explore tools in kicad one by one Kicad interface look like....

First create new project and save the file.

Then In Project two files are created
1. Electronic Design Kicad_pcb
2. Electronic design.kicad_sch

First do the Electronic schematic design by selecting the Electronic design.kicad_sch

Then I search for library on google.

Downloaded the zip file and Extract the zip file in desired drive folder.

Then go to preferences and then click manage symbol library.

Add existing Library to table

Add fab.kicad_sym as symbol library.

Go to Footprint editor.

Go to " Manage Footprint Libraries" in Preferences and add fab.pretty as footprint library.

Then I added symbol and search for RP2040 EVA board and clicked Ok

I got RP2040 in my schematic design sheet.Then I took LED from librabry

I took three led_1206

For LED important is to connect with resister so i took three resister 1206

Then I added one push button.

Use wire to connect LED, resister and other components.

Refered diagram for connections & document Read More

I have first made the Schematic diagram like below..In which I done wrong connections for led,resister and pins and complex to understand.For the mistakes I have made for connection of led, Suhas sir guided me for the connections.

Here is very important to make positive and ground connections properly. Then I again draw the scematic diagram on page. and repeat the procesure.After understanding pin connection I used wire for make circuit diagram.

Schematic diagram I have made in Kicad

After completing the scematic diagram we have go to PCB editor.There are two ways to go at PCB editor interface

Then Go to tools and update PCB from schematic

Check the connections and manage the components according to their pin positions. Try to minimize crossing lines and place the components as close to their connections as possible, without touching each other, leaving necessary space to reduce congestion and do the routing and give the outer cut like square or whatever you want.

Routing for my PCB

3D View of my PCB

After checking all the next task is to save the file in SVG file format.

Now the files has been ready for Mods CE to convert SVG to RML file format.

As we have done in Production week, In this week also we have to use MODs software for convert the SVG file into rml. All procesure is same as previous assignment. here only additional thing is to invert the svg file is new and important.

Trace file for my board

Border file for board

The first time I attempted milling, my traces weren't proper. There was a problem with milling the border trace file—it was milled properly, but during the milling of the border file, it overlapped with some parts of the trace.

Then I increse the distance between trace and border then mill the PCB.

Then I go for the soldering. Collected all components like led,resister, Connector microcontroller which is ESP32C3,I have milled the schematic for Xiao RP2040 but the we decided to solder ESP32C3 because found the pin connection for both are same.

I am done with the soldering my PCB but in my PCB LED is not working. then I done trial and errors for resolve this issue.

Then I found whats the problem.First during schematic and designing I have used RP2040 microcontroller board. During soldering I have change the board and take ESP32C3 microcontroller board.

Pin connections for both two boards are same but different ground connection so I have problem for making connections my LED are not glowing. Then, by doing trial and error, with the help of my colleague Shankar and Soham, I managed to solve this problem. I have connected ground connection externally by soldering the metal wire from 3 pin ground to board ground.

My new schematic diagram

Here I found that my ground connection is not done. I have not check ground connections before soldering only check the pin connections.thats the reason for my problem to LED blink program not working.So I solder metal wire and made ground connection.

In My PCB I can Connect SG90 Micro Servo as I have 3 pin connector.I am going to make connection one to 5V supply where I Can Connect Speaker, Servo Motor, Led, RGB, and one to 3.3V where I can connect OLED display.

Key Learning

In this assignment I learn about how make our own design for PCB by using KICAD
Learned about the tools in Kicad for making Circuit diagram.
Positive,Negative (Ground) connections of component while design Also milling the PCB during that how to use MODs for invert the SVG file. This Assignment teach me about the file formats like SVG,RML and how to convert that files.

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