
Fab Academy

Fab Academy 2024

Jorge Suarez de Freitas



Jorge Suarez de Freitas

Jorge Suarez de Freitas Ferrari

Industrial Engineer

My name is Jorge, and I'm 23 years old. I've recently concluded my studies in industrial engineering at the University of Lima in PerĂº. One of the highlights of my academic journey has been my internship at the FABLAB laboratory and Flexible Manufacturing laboratory (CIM), where I immersed myself in the world of digital manufacturing and 3D design. During my time at the Ulima FABLAB and CIM, I explored and learned technologies such as 3D modeling, 3D printing, laser cutting, CNC routing, CNC machining and delved programming with Arduino type boards.

Throughout my formative years, I developed a keen interest in the field of digital manufacturing, which led me to begin designing at home. Together with my father, we have crafted over 6 furniture pieces for our household, ranging from beds to tables. During the pandemic, I purchased my first 3D printer and instantly fell in love with its capabilities. Several weeks later, I began modifying it as a project to enable the printing of high-performance polymers such as polycarbonate. This initial experience with 3D printing deepened my understanding of numerical control systems and stoked my enthusiasm to further explore the field of 3D printing technologies.

My most significant project is my thesis for the Industrial Engineering Degree. I conducted a thesis centered on high-speed 3D printers. In this study, I undertook the redesign of an existing open-source project known as VZBOT. Subsequently, I executed the manufacturing and assembly of the high-performance 3D printer utilizing various digital fabrication techniques, including CNC machining, 3D printing, and laser cutting. I designed and manufactured a high-flow hotend from scratch to facilitate the efficient melting of plastic during high-speed tool path moves. The electronic system features a master Raspberry Pi connected to one or more subordinate microcontrollers to automate the control of the system's actuators. Additionally, I implemented a dashboard endowed with monitoring capabilities via a camera system and remote access to the printer.


Lets get in touch and talk about our next project.

Email: jsuarezdefreitasf@gmail.com