Welcome to Laxmi's Fab Academy Journal!

Complete documentation of Fab Academy 2024

"It always seems impossible until it's done."

~ Nelson Mandela

The Super Fab Lab (Fabrication Laboratory) in Kochi, India, is a state-of-the-art facility that stands as a testament to the advancements in digital fabrication and manufacturing. Established through a collaboration between the Kerala Startup Mission (KSUM) and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), it serves as an extension of the global network of Fab Labs.

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Weekly Assignments

Week 1

Principles, Practices & Project Management

Week 2

Computer Aided Design

Week 3

Computer-Controlled Cutting

Week 4

Electronics Production

Week 5

3D Scanning & Printing

Week 6

Embedded Programming

Week 7

Computer-Controlled Machining

Week 8

Electronics Design

Week 9

Output Devices

Week 10

Machine Design & Mechanical Design

Week 11

Input Devices

Week 9

Molding & Casting