Week12-Moulding and Casting

Group assignment:

  • Review the safety data sheets for each of your molding and casting materials
  • Make and compare test casts with each of them
  • Compare printing vs milling molds

Individual assignment:

  • Design a mold around the process you’ll be using, produce it with a smooth surface finish, and use it to cast parts.


  • Linked to the group assignment page and reflected on your individual page what you have learned
  • Reviewed the safety data sheets for each of your molding and casting materials, then made and compared test casts with each of them
  • Documented how you designed and created your 3D mold, including machine settings
  • Shown how you safely made your mold and cast the parts
  • Described problems and how you fixed them
  • Included your design files and ‘hero shot of the mold and the final object

Group assignment


Individual assignment

This week, I will use LCD 3D printing to create molds.

我先使用CAD画了 I used Fusion 360 to design the molds.

This is my modeling process