


Week 1

In the first week of the Fab Academy, students focus on Project Management. The goal is to create a Fab Academy page for documentation.


week 2

In the second week we were asked to create designs that were both 3D and 2D, Using multiple different softwares for better understanding of CAD


week 3

This week is all about cutting. Including laser cutting and vinyl cutting.


week 4

For week 4 you have to mill a circuit board and also have to solder the components of the circuit board.


week 5

This week we are finally going to be 3D printing! We are going to be 3D print and also 3D scan, everything is going to be 3D!


week 6

This week we have to make a devboard and also program it so that it can have a input and output design


Week 7

Somthing big.... we have to create somthing big! This is the week to create giants using the CNC


week 8

This week is all about creating your final project board! All our previous knowledge combined into the designing of our board.


week 9

This is most likely the first steps to creating our final project. We are adding output devices! This weeks going to be fire!!!


Week 10

For this week, I with the help of my peers, had to create a machine.


week 11

This week we have to control an input device!! Lets get into the world of sensor


week 12

After a while of doing electronics, this is a sort of a break from all of that. I feel that I can finally relax for a bit. Though it doesn't mean that I will slack off, actually I will work even harder!


Week 13

This week we have to communicate with our boards! Whether it be wireless or wired, we can communicate through a lot of different protocols! Hopefully me and my board become friends!


week 14

We have to create an interface this week, or it be better to say that we are creating a GUI for us to be able to communicate with our boards!!


week 15

This week we have to use a machine that is not a part of the typical fab lab.


Week 16

This week I designed the encloser of my final project.


week 17

We just have to answer some questions for our final project.


week 18

This week we have to talk about how we want ot raise awareness about our projects and what are our future plans for it