
Invention, Intellectual Property and Income

Learning outcomes

Presentation and video

This week we were asked to also add place holders of our final project videos! The final project presentation should be a 1920 x 1080 and the video should be roughly ≈ 1 minute.

Final project presentation!

Final project video!

Dissemination of the Farm Guardian

I really made this for personal comfort while attending to a big field, but now I can really see how it can benefit other farmers therefore I want to raise awareness of it through some ways.


The main goal for my final project is to help in agricultural purposes. It would also help farmers who have massive feild to look after that better.

Message and Importance:

As Bhutan (the country I am from) is a country heavily relient on it agriculture, I thought that a device that is able to help our people would be really helpful to our country.

Collaboration Opportunities:

The soil guardian would be really helpful to farmer, but before that I want to test it out on the feild and then showcase ist reliability.

Ideas for Promotion:

I want my final project to be recognized so I want to first start with the people from my village and then showcase its use.


Generally my project would be of very big importance to the farmers in Bhutan there for I want to spread awareness about it. It will farmers look after their big feild with reassurance.

Licensing Information

Chosen License:
I have chosen the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) license for my Farm Guardian project. This license allows others to share and adapt my project for non-commercial purposes, which aligns with my current goal of sharing it for educational use without selling it.
License Details:
This project is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

additional information

For now I think I will rest a bit on my project, and then start working on it after the fab academy ends.

Future plans

Lastly lets get over the additional changes I want to make to my project after the fab academy program.
  1. Node and Hub: This is a concept that I talk about a lot for my final project. I want to create more of these farm guardian and make them funnel their information to one hub which could connect with my phone so that I could get the readings of multiple farm guaridians at the same time.
  2. APP:If possible I would also like to create an app or website which could connect to the HUB and then simple display all its information to the person phone or laptop.
I also want to really thank both Damzang and then Dawa as I took big inspirations from the both of them! Big thank you to them as well!!!
Speacial Thanks To
Anith Ghalley : my local instructor, his website helped a lot while creating this site!!
Rico Sir As our fab guru his experince and knowledge that he shared to us was very important, and also his website was a good reference
My friends: My friends are the people who helped most while creating this site!!

Thank you very much!!