about me

about me



Welcome to my site

Name: Yangtshel wangyel (the one in the orange dress!)
Age: 13 years old
From: Phunsing, TashiGang, Bhutan
Studying at: Druk Gyalpo's Institude, Pangbisa, Paro

Motivation for fab academy

When I was 9 years old, I was first introduced to the concept of designing and coding. At that point of time it fasinated me, how we could do so much with just a computer. My teacher at that time was an experienced IT teacher. It was her who constantly econraged me to learn more. To this day i am really thankful towards her and still continue to learn more about technology. I feel that this course is going to be really fruitful towards my learning as I would be able to explore multiple different concepts of technology i didnt know even existed!!

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Source code hosted at fabcloud/fabacademy/2024/yangtshel-wangyel