
Application Implication

This is one of the last week of the fab academy. It has been an amazing journey, filled with fun, frustration and memories that will last with me forever. But enough with all the chit chat, Now lets get into this weeks assignment. This week it is Application and Implication. For this week we have to answer some question for our final project. Lets get right into it.
Your final project should have:
What will it do? - My project, the soil health detector is going to be a device that would send data such as the soil moisture or temperature of the soil to its users through wifi! I want it to be a portable and easy to make project so that other people could simply replicate it and use it for themselves. I also want it to be able to last on the field fr extended periods of time, being able to withstand outside environment safely. This project would mainly be helpful for farmers who have massive fields. Such as farmers who grow paddy. Now lets also talk about the future plans for my project as well
My project was made with it being a node device. I wanted my project to be massly replicated. After that I will have a lot of devices that would be able to be able to relay information back to a Hub. (Which could be another device that could connect with you mobile or a hub website which will get all the data that the devices will fetch.) With this system farmer could use alot of these nodes to get information and relay information about a very big feild or farm land with great details.
Who has done it before - Ahmed Abobaker. He graduated from the university of UAE in 2015. He has done a similar project to mine. His project automatically waters the plant if it goes below a certain moisture level. It has a very compact design and is for potted plants. My project is a different as it only sends data, but my plus point could be that my project is ment to be used for the outdoors as well.
What are the material used:
Where will I get my components from?!! - All my components are either form online sources or were either already here at my lab which were also bought from online sources.
What parts of my final project do I fabricate:
Fabrication :
Essentials for my project!!!


I made it so that my design could be as small as possible on budget. I but I also had to ensure that the measuring that will be collected form my project should be as accurate as possible. Also should be reliable in terms of its durability. For that I carefully picked the items with the best quality to cost ratio.

What my project should be evaluated on
I wanted to have my project to be as reliable as possible to others who will replicate it. Therefore the price of all the things I will be using has to be very cheap. Though with all of that I should not sacrifices the efficiency of my project and its reliability. I also want my project to be able to send its data wirelessly as when some one creates dozens of these node, they shouldn't have to go to every node to check if it giving good values or not. For that data needs to be transmitted wirelessly. The Node & Hub system is somthing I want to work on and create after I have finished the FAB Academy as I first want to make one of these node to work!.

Thank You.