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About me

Foto: Aarne

Hello! I am Aarne. I currently work as post-doctoral researcher at University of Oulu, materials and mechanical engineering department. My educational background is in physics. I have worked on research topics connected to computational physics based materials modeling and in addition I have also qualification to work as teacher in physics and mathematics. I have worked as assistant teacher on few physics and materials science courses at University of Helsinki and University of Oulu and as a substitute teacher in the high-school for one year. In the autumn I have yearly given 4-5 lectures on heat transfer and phase transformations to materials engineering students at University of Oulu.

I am interested in learning electronics and digital fabrication, and I am eager to get to know the basic principles of the available fab lab equipment. Also, it is very interesting to see what other people are making as their projects.

Here is a link to my Facebook page. I am not very much there and probably wont be able to send greetings, but I will accept all friend requests when I visit there! I am easiest reached by my personal email: aarne.pohjonen(at)

Here is a link to my Research gate page where you can find the topics I have been working during my research oriented work.