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2. Project management

[1] Summary

This week I worked on setting up mkdocs in a local environment and building git for version control. After that, I created the website as the archive of documentation in my Fabacademy 2022.

[2] Weekly Assignment Requirement

Project Management

  • work through a git tutorial
  • build a personal site in the class archive describing you and your final project

Made a website and described how you did it ->done

Created a section about yourself on that website ->done

Added a page with a sketch and description of your final project idea(s) ->done

Documented steps for creating your Git repository and adding files to it ->done

Pushed to the class GitLab ->done

Signed and uploaded Student Agreement ->done

[3] What I did in Week1

  • [a] build environment :local/cloud
  • [b] Git tutorial / Filesize
  • [c] create web site

[a] Build environment :local/cloud

  • Development Environment: MacBook Air (M1, 2020) MacOS Big Sur ver.11.2.3

  • Check my repository on Gitlab.Through the Fab Academy, every students have their own repository on GitLab.

Install Homebrew

  • Install as follows in Homebrew. Homebrew is the Missing Package Manager for macOS.
% /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Install Git

 % brew install git

Git setup

% git config --global "Yamane"
% git config --global "***"

SSH key setup

  • generating public/private rsa key pair
% ssh-keygen -t rsa
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key() (/Users/atsu/.ssh/id_rsa)
  • Verify that the public key has been generated.
% ls ~/.ssh

id_rsa is the private key. is the public key.

  • view and copy the content of public key “”
cat | pbcopy 
  • Go to GitLab and set up the public key that you just created.

GitLab > your icon(right up) > Edit profile > SSH Keys(left) > command + v to paste public key

Local repository

  • make local repository and connect to the Gitlab through SSH
mkdir repos
cd repos
git clone [](
% ssh -T
  • [problem1] cant connect the Gitlab via SSH

  • ->[solution] It turned out that the key’s filename must be id_rsa or id_ed25519. After changing filename back to id_ed25519, everything works fine, and finally I got the welcome message:

Install Mkdocs in local PC

  • Install pip
% brew reinstall python3
% cd Downloads/
% curl -o
% python3
  • [problem] PATH Error in installing pip3

  • ->[solution]
% brew install mkdocs
% pip3 install -r requirements.txt
% mkdocs serve
  • Done!

[b] Git tutorial / Filesize

Install Atom as a editor

  • access URL and install atom
  • Set up 4 useful packages in atom

minimap A preview of the full source code

auto-html-preview A live preview tool for Atom Editor

html-tag-auto-complete A simple auto completion of heml tags with class and/or id

tree-view-copy-relative-path Allows you to copy relative path to current file from tree view Opening editor window, on tree view right click and “copy relative path”.

Git tutorial

I did a W3school Git Tutorial to learn about git. Also, I studied how to use git following Fablab kannai instruction

As a trial, I try to commit and push this documentation to my git repository.


% cd ~/repos/student_site
% ls -la
% git status
% git add .
% git status
% git commit -m "first commit agreement"
% git status
% git push


Downsize image by ffmpeg

% brew install ffmpeg
% ffmpeg -i original.png -vf scale=-1:1000 downsize.png
% du -ha | sort | head


We have to check image size before git push. If image size is over 10M, we must compress image size by using ffmpeg.

[c] Create web site

I wrote this weekly documentation and create website.

[4] What I learned this week1

  • This was the first experience for me to create website and pull/push git by myself. Though it is simple and plain, I am so impressed to launch my first website.
  • I spent a lot of time on documentation. I’ll try to make notes about documentation as I work.
  • I felt that it is very exciting to be able to make something by myself. Through only week1/2, I already see the world as the object I can intervene to by fabrication.

[5] Acknowledgement

Mr.Tamiya and Ms.Kamei as supportive instructors in Fablab Kannai

Elfe Xu in resolving the coding problem on SSH connection.

and YOU!

Useful site

Material for MkDocs

Last update: June 2, 2022