13. Interface and Application Programming

Individual Assignment:

  • Write an application that interfaces a user with an input &/or output device that you made

Group Assignment:

  • Compare as many tool options as possible

This week I worked on prepare Python to Interface and the schematic to simulation to act the commands.


Install Python

Download python of Oficial page and install, the first check that, the check ADD PYTHON 3.7 PATH.

After you choose NEXT until finish.

You can chech un Prompt Windows when you write python and you see it:

Install Libraries

Install the library to communicate with serial board or interface, the standard protocol is UART, it is common in arduino, raspberry and all microcontrollers.

Update the python and the dependencies:

Install the libraries to interface is KIVY, first create the virtual enviroment:

Install the dependencies to KIVY library

Install the KIVY library

Install the Examples to KIVY

Interface with Attiny44

Programming in Python

First we include the libraries to use

Then we define the objects in our interface, in our case we will have 4 buttons, 2 to turn on and off a led and 2 to turn on and off a buzzer

The program link some letters with commands to board, it is the following:

Action Commands
Led ON char ‘1’
Led OFF char ‘2’
Buzzer On char ‘3’
Buzzer Off char ‘5’

Finally we build the interface

When we run the module, it looks:

Programming in Attiny44 with Arduino IDE

The writed program is the following:

// Ulises Gordillo Zapana - FabAcademy 2020
#define pin_tx      8
#define pin_rx      7
#define pin_but     6
#define pin_buz     5
#define pin_cardio  4
#define pin_led     3
#define pin_ldr     A2
#define pin_led_car 1
#define pin_pot     0

// Include Resource
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial SerialPort(pin_rx, pin_tx); // RX, TX
byte dato;
long time_prev,time_now,time_req;
// Function SETUP
void setup() {

// Function LOOP
void loop(){
  if (SerialPort.available()){
    dato = SerialPort.read();
      case '1':
      case '2':
      case '3':
      case '4':
      case '5':

Electronic Board

The board is the following, it is designing and fabricate in Week 7: Electronics Desing, Week 10: Input Device and Week 12: Output Devices:


The test is with LED in images, and the buzzer we can see en the next video in Video Demostration:

  • Turn On the LED

  • Turn Off the LED

Video Demonstration

It is the demostration:


Interface with Simulation of Arduino Uno

First we include the libraries to use

Then we define the objects in our interface, in our case we will have 5 buttons, 2 to turn on and off a led and 3 to turn left, turn right and turn off a DC motor:

The program link some letters with commands to board, it is the following:

Action Commands
Led ON char ‘1’
Led OFF char ‘2’
Motor LEFT char ‘3’
Motor RIGHT char ‘4’
Motor OFF char ‘5’

And the command to run the app

Programming in ARDUINO UNO with Arduino IDE

The writed program is the following:

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:

void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
  if (Serial.available()){
      case '1':
      case '2':
      case '3':
      case '4':
      case '5':
      case '6':

Design the schematic

In the schematic, there are a led, a motor and the UART port, this schematic is workimg in Proteus Software.

Simulate the Interface

When I click on the ‘LED On’ button in simulator the LED Turn ON:

When I click on the ‘LED Off’ button in simulator the LED Turn OFF:

When I click on the ‘MOTOR Izquierda’ button or ‘MOTOR Derecha’ button in simulator the MOTOR turn Left or Right:

Finally when I click on the ‘MOTOR APAGADO’ the MOTOR Turn OFF:

Video Simulation


In my case, I did using python and the microntrollers were different: the Attiny44 and the Arduino Uno, which is designed with an Atmega328P.

The response was similar, since in both cases I used the serial position to communicate.

In the case the Attiny44 does not have a serial port that is why I had to use a serial port created by software with the SoftwareSerial library in Arduino IDE

We can see a table of comparison:

Item Feature Attiny44 Arduino Uno
1 Memory 4kB 32kB
2 Pins 14 28
3 Serial Port No Yes
3 Crystal 20Mhz 16Mhz

Designed Files

Description Files
Interface of Python to Attiny44 Interface_Attiny44.py
Program Attiny44 SoftSerial.ino
Interface of Python to Arduino Interface_python.py
Program Arduino Arduino_Interface.ino
Schematic on Proteus Simulacion_Arduino.pdsprj