Course Work

This is the course schedule and the projects and tasks completed for each week

  1. Jan 28 - principles and practices, project management
  2. Feb 4 - computer-aided design
  3. Feb 11 - computer-controlled cutting
  4. Feb 18 - electronics production
  5. Feb 25 - 3D scanning and printing
  6. Mar 4 - electronics design
  7. Mar 11 - embedded programming
  8. Mar 18 - computer-controlled machining
  9. Mar 25 - molding and casting

    Apr 1 - break

  10. Apr 8 - input devices
  11. Apr 15 - output devices
  12. Apr 22 - composites
  13. Apr 29 - networking and communications
  14. May 6 - interface and application programming
  15. May 13 - applications and implications
  16. May 20 - mechanical design, machine design
  17. May 27 - invention, intellectual property, and income
  18. Jun 3 - project development
  19. Jun 10 - project presentation

Reduction of site size

On 6th July, I was asked to reduce the size of the site from 37Mb to below 20Mb which is a tall order as I have only included the essential files in my work. Hence, the following is what I have changed in order to reduce the overall size, with hopefully having the links intact.

The external site offered: with the current login/password is not accessible. Similarly example links using the :5001 port is blocked by the SP firewall. Hence, sometimes, things don't work as they should.

Changes made

  • Removed folder files/09_fabsp. These are duplicated in the compressed file
  • Removed files/"fp_StepperMotorRaw (copy).ino". Replaced as finalproject/fp_StepperMotorRaw.ino. Link fixed to reflect this in Stage01.html.
  • Removed images/mtm_foam_cutter.mp4. File can be accessed by viewing the project at and the video at Changed link at c17_mechanical_design.html
  • Converted all .jpg and .png files above 100KB in images/ to 640xPPP sizes with quality 60 (hopefully, they are still visible). Modified affected links (hopefully, I got them all). The following should be helpful in this:
    # locate the large files, by size
    ls -l -S *.jpg
    # convert image file sizes (apply for png as well)
    mogrify -path fullpathto/new/ -resize 640x -quality 60 -format jpg *.jpg

After all this, is 27Mb, verified using the command "du -h -s --exclude=".hg"


Click the title to download this template to add pages to the Course area. It would be easier if you created the text in a separate area, using only h1..h5 and p elements and import it directly into the spaces specified.

Not being of a artistic mind, I have shamelessly borrowed this template (simpleStyle_8) from html5webtemplates, in recognition of a simple, cool and functional webpage design.