Fab Academy 2020

From zero to Infinity

The adventure of Xinhui Hu in the world of digital fabrication

Start the Journey

About Me

Hello! This is Xinhui Hu from the Center for Ubiquitous Computing at the University of Oulu. I am glad to have the chance to participate in Fab Academy 2020.

My previous academic and research experiences have a strong emphasis on human cognitive and behavioral mechanisms. While I was able to developed basic programming and data analysis skills from my previous coursework, I am totally blank in the field of digital fabrication. I am very exciting about initiating my journey in the world of Fab Academy. From zero to infinity.

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Weekly Assignment

Final Project

A Weasley Clock

Weasley’s Clock
Weasley's Clock in Harry Potter Movie

In Harry Potter, the Weasley family has a magical clock that shows the locations of family members instead of time. The family members can easily locate each other and see their status. While we, the non-magicians, have owned much more convenient devices to stay connected, it would be nice for us to have such a clock in our lives that enhance the sense of belonging and connection.

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