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3D Scanning and Printing

Group assigment

In this week we have grouup assigment that test the design rules for your 3D printer I have print the test file with my "Anet 8 3D printer" 0.2 layer hight , 20% filling and speed=60 but the resolution is to bad as shown in figure below

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first we think this error causes by reteaction distance, This determines how much plastic is pulled out of the nozzle. In Cura, you can click “Advanced” and click Retraction tab to set retraction distance.

In general, the more plastic that is retracted from the nozzle, the less likely the nozzle is to ooze while moving. Most direct-drive extruders only require a retraction distance of 3.5 mm. If you encounter stringing with your prints, try increasing the retraction distance by 0.5mm.Unfortunately, the retraction doesn't solve this issue


We have a problem with our extrude, there is a small fissure, that make us replace it with a new extrude this time we have get the best Accuracy when print all file test as shown the result in figure below.<./p>

3dtest 3dtest 3dtest6

But My colleagues in fablab new cairo have with good result you can see here.

3D Printer

The 3D printing process builds a three-dimensional object from a computer-aided design (CAD) model, usually by successively adding material layer by layer, which is why it is also called additive manufacturing, unlike conventional machining, casting and forging processes, where material is removed from a stock item (subtractive manufacturing) or poured into a mold and shaped by means of dies, presses and hammers.

In this assigment I have try to design and 3D print an object that could not be made subtractively,this challnge made me imagine and search a number of models one of the exicited model is marble machine


It's very intrested example

I don't think I can design it and print it in one week, thats why I tried a simple design by using Blender software. I have design a "Watermill" prototype. This is my first model with blender it's realy useful and simple and power as open source software, I have stared my model by draw cube In "Add Modifier" select "Wireframe

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- Make array from first cube, and change the angle of second cube,In this video is a great example of how can you design it

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- After finishing your design Expot it as My_3d.stl form


-Open Cura software and open file of My_3d.stl, choose the printing setting after click on silce.


In This week I've visit Tunis city in work meeting at same time I need to print my 3D design, to print it I went to Fab_Orange in Tunis this fab have kindly people They are welcomed me very much, I use thier 3d printer (Raise3D N1 3D Printer)

orange 3dprinter.jpg

orange 3dprinter.jpg

3dprint.jpg 3dprint.jpg

3D scanning

3D scanning is the process of analyzing a real-world object or environment to collect data on its shape and possibly its appearance (e.g. colour). The collected data can then be used to construct digital 3D models. A 3D scanner can be based on many different technologies, each with its own limitations, advantages and costs. Many limitations in the kind of objects that can be digitised are still present. for example, optical technology may encounter many difficulties with shiny, reflective or transparent objects. For example, industrial computed tomography scanning and structured-light 3D scanners can be used to construct digital 3D models, without destructive testing.

In My lab we didn't have 3D scanner that's why I have tried mobile applications, first of all: I have tried Qlone" I started with scan our traditional tea cup after several times of scanning I get this result, couse of shiny object the result not good

I scan with another object and after full scanning it need to some modifacation with some programs like : Mashroom, Regard ,REcap Auto Desk.. . but this applcation is non free to download 3d files to make edit. it is very usful App but we need to Edit the scaning object to have a good result. :(

My second experience with 3d scan is by " SCANN3D" this software is realy good but not free to download .stl


My third experience with 3D Scanner it amazing app it can scan my face very easy and save as .obj .


-then I can open it with 3d builder after that I save it as .stl

