Home About Final project

Applications and Implications

This week we have to make a brain storming to answer these quasions :

* what will it do?

Science Box will be a science learning kit,this kit demonstrates the energy Transformation concept with fun and play, here is my first sktech.


* who has done what beforehand?

There are a several of kits that are used to learn the energy concept in STEAM education methodology

STEAM is an interdisciplinary approach to learning where academic concepts are coupled with real-world lessons. Students apply science, technology, engineering, and mathematics in contexts that make connections between the classroom and the world around them.

There are two interesting projects that I took as referents in terms of the concept of the system, here is the two kits as an example :

1- Renewable Energy ScienceKit

This kit is a good addition to Science class, Students are engaged with the various experiments and are learning about alternative energy


2- STEM Solar Power Toy

This fun and educational solar powered toy is a wonderful way to introduce the childs to the concept of green energy, while building models that are powered by the sun


* What will you design?

First of all, I will design :

1-The electronic board that similar to the Fabduino board, with an ATMega328p microcontroller which have a solar cell as an input and Lcd to display the percentage of battery charge


2-solar power charger control circuit.

3- 3D design for cover and puzzle installation.

I will also design the container that will enclose all the components.

* What materials and components will be required?

I plan to use MDF for the 3D puzzl and PLA for some parts of design like a fan that will use in turbine of wind energy

but in electronics part I need:

  • Milled PCB
  • ATMega 328P
  • Reset switch
  • 20 MHz resonator
  • 10k , 499 ohms resistor
  • LED
  • 10 uF capacitor
  • Reset switch
  • FTDI pins
  • 8 pin headers
  • 2 Dc motors
  • Recharger battery
  • Solar cell
  • I2C LCD

* Where will they come from?

acually I have a problem with electronics parts how to ship it -covid19 -? in my country there aren't availble. but I have resold it from some electronics board. I hope they will work

* what parts and systems will be made?

I still in design stage

* what processes will be used?

1. CAD and fabrication: Laser cutting mounts for covers and 3D puzzl, Laser cutting the casing for the controller circuit board, 3d printing the casing for the digital display.

2. Embdded system programming and circuit design and fabrication using AVR (atmega328p) microcontroller for data from solar panel and actuation the motor.


Project Tracker

* How will it be evaluated?

The final kit should be tested from science teacher to ensure that the kit will demonstrate the energy concept, Also will be tested from kids to insure the kit is easy to use and interesting to play with it .

Other quation I need to answer is:

           - Is it easily to use ?
           - Is it useful in class room?
           - Is it possible to use in other cases?
           - Is it compatible with creative thinking?
           - Is it works good?