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10. Machine design

This week has passed actively working on our group project - Ceramic 3D Printer.


We did a great research to find out what problems do we need to solve, how clay extruder works and what axises need for this type of 3D printer.


Ceramic 3D Printer’s bed

My part of work was designing 3D printer’s rotating bed. And as Babken suggested to us, we designed it rounded1․







For the middle wheel Areg designed a part, that will hold the will into base construction.


Bed cutting by CNC Machine


Ceramic 3D Printer’s bed test assembling




One of the most interesting parts of this week fell to me. Designing gears seemed like an easy thing, but when you immerse yourself in the process, you realize that there are many places to make calculations. In addition, it was necessary to print self-supporting parts with the gear. By researching, I gathered a lot of information and found quite a few tools that can be used to assemble gear.

It took about 5 days to build the mechanism for the turntable part, and during those days the designs of the same parts were changed several times. The important thing is that the deadlines were enough to finish what we started. Also more days were needed for assembling all parts together.

I have collected quite a lot of information during these 2 weeks. In addition to mental work, in terms of physical work, there were a lot of screws and bolts to fasten. It is not so easy to understand the order of all of them, which one to pull first. It was necessary to assemble and disassemble several times in order to assemble the base in the correct order.

Everything was challenging, very interesting and active.


Ceramic 3D printer’s Base assembly