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10. Machine design


In this week we decided to do Ceramic 3D Printer.

And first of all we brainstormed and find the motion concept .

It turned out printer with turntable and radial axis.

First we sketched the table mechanics using journal bearings that fortunately stayed from my previous project.

As I am an artist and also sculpture , we decided that I must did the extruder.

And I did lots of experiments , and this is what we have in outcome.

After that, when we were sure that it would work, we divided the work among ourselves. My main role was a project management , mechanical design , modeling and etc. Also did CNC and laser cutting and assembling . But the most important that I had to followd that the all seperate parts could be assambled.

So Maria designed the turntable and I helped her with the mechanism and designed the belt tensioner.

And so at first I designed a two-way tensioner because I thought that in this case we would have more maneuver for adjustment. But it turned out that one-sided ones are better.

Of course, I broke the first printed part, but this was only because I went too far with the rigidity, because this part had to be not only rigid, but also springy, and to solve this problem I reduced the wall thickness.

So on the second try it came out very well and mechanism worked perfectly.

Elen did Z and Y axises , and in finally i took this two files and try to connect them each other and for that i designed lot of mounts for v slot because in that time i thought that our main problem would be the Z axis strength, i also changed motor mount and complete the design of base for cnc cutting And after all we complete our machine design and add the organic glas details for construction and beauty and also added the text “JANQ” it means (effort) . And finally It looks very nice.

Time to Assemble.

We assembled and disassembled many times. And every time we improved the constuction and solved the bugs.


the main problem I think is that we didn’t have time and we had to act in a hurry and we made a lot of mistakes cause of inattention.Anyway i think our team did great work and it will work perfectly