
Hi! I am Willie Tay and I am an Industrial Designer and an Additive Manufacturing Specialist. I am currently working in Singapore Polytechnic FabLab as a Lecturer as well as a Digital Design & Prototyping Specialist. Over the years, I have acquired a series of multi-disciplinary expertises in various fields of Design & Fabrication from working and collaborating with many companies in providing design solutions as well as design fabrication. I am also very fortunate to win and owned a few notable global awards & patents such as the:

I used to worked in Design Incubation Centre, (Singapore First Design Research Lab based in the National University of Singapore) as a Senior Lead Designer as well as an Education Instuctor that teaches industrial design fundamentals to students from the College of Design & Engineering in National University of Singapore. You may visit some of the projects that I have done in my personal online profiles: