Week 14: Interface and Application Programming


The assigments for this week are:
Group Assignment
Compare as many tool options as possible
Individual Assignment
Write an application that interfaces a user with an input &/or output device that I made

Group Assignment

For this week's assignment, we experimented with some web-based applications.

For my part, I experimented with the MIT App Inventor. This was my first time trying out the App Inventor and I find it easy to use. The block coding environment was also familiar to me as I had experience using block coing before.

Full documentation can be found on the group assignment page.

Individual Assignment

I decided to create an interface that allows me to control the LED on one of my boards.

Having already tried MIT App inventor in the group assignment, I wanted to explore using other platform to create the interface. I eventually decided on Tkinter.


I started on familiarising with Tkinter by going through some basic tutorials on the Tkinter page of the Python Tutorial website.

Next, I found an article that gave a simple explanation on creating GUI using Tkinter and Arduino. It also provided an example code.

From the article, one of the things that was finally clear to me was that the GUI created by Tkinter and the Arfuino IDE are connected via the serial port.

I then deciede to take the Tkinter code from the article and made some modification to create the GUI I wanted. The modifications I made includes:<
- Deleted the quite button
- Changed the titles of the window
- Changed the window size to a larger one
- Added background color to the OFF button when pressed.
- Changed the backgrpund color from green to yellow.

The Tkinter code I ended up using is as below:
import serial 
import time
import tkinter

def set_button1_state():
        global b
        b += 1
        ser.write(bytes('H', 'UTF-8'))

def set_button2_state():
        global b
        b += 1
        ser.write(bytes('L', 'UTF-8'))

ser = serial.Serial('com6', 9600)
print("Reset Arduino")
ser.write(bytes('H', 'UTF-8'))

tkTop = tkinter.Tk()
label3 = tkinter.Label(text = 'Fab Academy 2023,'
                      '\n Interface and Application Programming',font=("Courier", 12,'bold')).pack()
tkTop.counter = 0
b = tkTop.counter

varLabel = tkinter.IntVar()
tkLabel = tkinter.Label(textvariable=varLabel, )

varLabel2 = tkinter.IntVar()
tkLabel2 = tkinter.Label(textvariable=varLabel2, )

button1 = tkinter.IntVar()
button1state = tkinter.Button(tkTop,
    height = 4,
    fg = "black",
    width = 8,
    bd = 5,
button1state.pack(side='top', ipadx=10, padx=10, pady=15)

button2 = tkinter.IntVar()
button2state = tkinter.Button(tkTop,
    height = 4,
    fg = "black",
    width = 8,
    bd = 5,
button2state.pack(side='top', ipadx=10, padx=10, pady=15)


The arduino code used was from the article. The slight change is to change the LED pin from pin 13 to pin 3.:

const int ledPin = 3; // pin the LED is attached to
int incomingByte;      // variable stores  serial data

void setup() {
  // initialize serial communication:
  // initialize the LED pin as an output:
  pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
  // see if there's incoming serial data:
  if (Serial.available() > 0) {
    // read the oldest byte in the serial buffer:
    incomingByte = Serial.read();
    // if it's a capital H (ASCII 72), turn on the LED:
    if (incomingByte == 'H') {
      digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
      Serial.println("Getting H"); //print out to serial monitor to check state
    // if it's an L (ASCII 76) turn off the LED:
    if (incomingByte == 'L') {
      digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
      Serial.println("Getting L"); //print out to serial monitor to check state


The initial issue I encountered was that I was unable to identify the serial port to type into the Tkinter code. This was easily resolved by first connecting the board to the laptop and then from the Arduino IDE find out which serial port was being used for the board. Then, I would type in that serial port number on to the Tkinter code.

The next issue is that after I got everything set up, I couldn't get the board to communicate with the interface. I opened up the serial monitor on the Arduino IDE and got the response that the serial port was busy. I consulted instructor Steven, who basically pointed out that I had been connecting the board to the laptop the wrong way. Instead of connecting the board to the laptop via the programmer board (which is for programming the board via the UPDI pin), I should had connected my board to the laptop via the FTDI board (which would communicate with the laptop via the Tx and Rx pins).

Using the FTDI board that I borrowed from instructor Steven (as I do not have my own), I connected my board accordingly and the board was able to communicate with the interface without issue.


This week I had hands-on with creating interface with both MIT App Inventor and Tkinter, which I used to create an interface to communicate with my board. I find Tkinter a more powerful tool in creating interface compare to MIT App inventor and would probably use it to create interface next time when I need to.

A side project that came out of this week is to make FTDI board and programmer board for myself.

Design files.

Source codes for Tkinter interface and the board.