Week 17

Invention, Intellectual Property and Business Models

For this week, we need to create a dissemination plan, prepare the draft for video and slide and formulate possible applications in the future.

  • Week June
  • Keywords 2D and 3D design
  • Software rhino, arduino, kicad,


Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.
The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms. This license also means that it has :

  • The right to download and use the files freely
  • The right to make changes as desired
  • The right to redistribute copies of the files
  • The right to modify and distribute copies of new versions

  • 01Dissemination Plan

    The first part is that once I have my video created I want to export a second version in reel format with faster pace and more catchy, with ig, this way I can share it on social media with the link of my website for anyone interested on learning more the process.
    Also, on the last day of June it will be showcase on the final presentation exhibition of IAAC, this day I want to make it work and make people interact with the sculpture, so I will print a note to put next to it, asking people to use the flashlight on their phone close to my pcboard, this way it will light up the sculpture. In addition, the code will need to be edit for the light enviroment of that space and the flashlight in any phone.

    02Call to action or future applications

    There are two ways I want to continue with my project.

    1. I want to create a secondary board with connection to internet and find some interest data that I can translate in the colour state of my sculpture, therefore everytime that it will light up, it will communicate something new.

    2. The second interaction I want to pursue is to create a really simple small version of the sculpture and create a toolkit, for kids or people that want to learn how to solder and an easier interaction with arduino, using a breadboard and any commercial pcboard such as arduino, this way we could use it in fab lab as a learning tool process to explain electronics in a fun way and easier to understand how the components work such as the one I used: Resistors, leds, photoresistors.

    next project

    Final Project