Final Project | Week 20

Safety switch

Device to make sure the usage of machine done with proper safety gears.

This device is developed for the welding technician who don’t use safety gears regularly and which lead to health related problems to them specially to eyes.
Design and functionally of the device is to make sure the person is wearing a Shield befor he use the welding machine, So powering on of machine would be only happen when safety gear are used.


Circuits (Input-Output)

Two Circuit which commuicate each other with wireless bluetooh to confirm the safety gear is used.

For makeing this device it was very importnat to have wireless Communications and Shield would be having the detection system so to make it possible two different circuit were needed and communication inbetween them was done using bluetooth

Board Milling


Rx Code for reciving the signal of person wearing safety gear.

SoftwareSerial mySerial(0, 1);   //allows serial communication on other digital pins of an Arduino board, using software to replicate the functionality
char number  = ' ';
byte LED = 10;// LED pin
void setup() 
   pinMode(LED, OUTPUT);
   pinMode(5, OUTPUT);  //Relay Pin
   mySerial.begin(9600);  // set the data rate for the NewSoftSerial port
void loop() // run over and over again

   if(mySerial.available()) //// never here
      char number =;
      if (number=='0') 
      { digitalWrite(LED, LOW);digitalWrite(5, LOW); } //Relay Signal Pin Low
      if (number=='1') { digitalWrite(LED, HIGH);digitalWrite(5, HIGH); }           //Relay Signal Pin High

Rx Code for reciving the signal of person wearing safety gear.

const int buttonPin = 3;   //My button or my input device has pin number 3.
int buttonState = 0;
void setup()  // put your setup code here, to run once:
  pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT_PULLUP);


void loop()  // run over and over again

  buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin);
  if (buttonState == HIGH) {   // never here
  Serial.print(1);    //When the button is pressed, signal 1 goes which sends a signal to turn on the LEDs.

  else{    // always here
  Serial.print(0);   //When the button is not pressed the signal goes to 0 which sends a signal to OFF the LEDs.

In this code the logic was to get a push button based detection and sending that signal to wireless device which activate the switch

Soldering & Testing

Solering component to the circuit


2D & 3D Design

Two Circuit which commuicate each other with wireless bluetooh to confirm the safety gear is used.


Addtive Manufacturing

Two Circuit which commuicate each other with wireless bluetooh to confirm the safety gear is used.


Subtractive Manufacturing

Two Circuit which commuicate each other with wireless bluetooh to confirm the safety gear is used.


Final Product

Helment Adapator and Plug Box



Bill of Materials and Costing

Assignment Link

  • Output week

  • Input Week

  • Computer Aided Design

  • All File

  • Solidworks Step Box File

  • Solidworks Casing Box FIle

  • Laser Cut Box File

  • RX Board .SCH File

  • RX Board .BRD FIle

  • TX Board .SCH File

  • TX board .SCH File

  • Transmitter Code File

  • Receiver Code File