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Institute of Higher Education

Francisco de Paula Gonzáles Vigil

The Instituto de Educación Superior "Francisco de Paula Gonzáles Vigil" is one of the state institutes that will soon have a FabLab. A great desire, because it would imply that our students develop products based on digital manufacturing, according to the needs of the environment.

The Vigil Institute has been training competitive technical professionals, committed to regional and international socio-economic development for 52 years. Its main facilities are located in the district of Alto de la Alianza, province and department of Tacna, southern Peru.

On December 23, 2019, MINEDU granted the licensing to the Instituto Vigil for complying with the five basic quality conditions (CBC) established in the Law of Institutes and Schools of Higher Education and the Public Career of its Teachers (Law No. 30512), which would allow it to grant the degree of technical bachelor in its nine programs of stud.