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SSH Key Generation

Firstly, we started off generating the SSH Key (Secure Shell Key) Since I am on a windows computer I got help from recent fab graduate, Teddy Warner. Using his fab academy step it guided me on the process of developing the SSH Key on a windows 10 Computer. I have never set up an SSH Key so Teddy Warner’s page on how to generate one helped a ton. First I went into key and pasted this code:

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "<Your-SSH-Name-Here>" #

Generating public/private ed25519 key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/user/.ssh/id_ed25519): #

Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): #
Enter the same passphrase again:

cat ~/.ssh/ | clip #

I was confused on this part because the passphrase didn’t show up when I was typing so I thought it was Broken and I kept getting an error message. The I realized it didn’t show up for security purposes but it was definitely Typing. After the SSH Key was generated I put it into my site repo. I set the name as “Jada’s SSH Key” to keep it simple And I did not put an expiration date on it.

Mkdocs Material Installation

First I downloaded the most recent version of Python on my computer which is Python 3.10 Next I opened my cloned Github site in VSCode (Visual Studio Code). I opened a new terminal then used the code to install Mkdocs and Mkdocs Material Theme:

pip install mkdocs-material

Then I used this code to enable the plugin that shows the date of the latest git modification:

pip3 install mkdocs-git-revision-date-localized-plugin

Lastly I used the command to get my site link:

mkdocs serve

After this command I got the link to my running site.

This turned out great. MkDocs is not the only tool that can be used for web development but it is my favorite. I tried some additional applications below.

Additional Version Controls

I next compared Gitlab and Github. I have been using Gitlab a lot so I was new to Github. I downloaded the software to compare the two.The major differences I noticed between the two were the platform each philosophy presents. GitHub has higher availability. It is more focused on infrastructure performance, while GitLab is more focused on offering a features-based system with a centralized and also integrated platform for web developers. Also, GitLab has Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) and DevOps workflows built-in to it. Then GitHub lets you work with the CI/CD tools of your choice, but you’ll need to integrate them yourself.

I used this diagram to help me understand these differences further

I then read the given guide and compared it to GitLab’s. The software’s are very similar visually and internally. I believe that personally Github is a bit more user friendly and easier to navigate than Gitlab. Although I do still prefer Gitlab. I will continue to use GitLab but github is still a good option. I can make push and pull requests easy on both platforms.

Addition Web Development

For my additional web development software I tried Google sites. Google sites is structured wiki and web page creation tool included as part of the free, web-based Google Docs Editors suite offered by Google. I first signed into my google account and looked at the various templates that were available. Personally I chose the digital portfolio template and tried the different functions. I explored the different functions that were offered.

This is how it looks. Personally I prefer MkDocs but it was nice trying this one out.

Last update: June 8, 2022