WEEK 10 - applications and implications


I think these weeks will never be forgotten, we are in the third month and the world is still under pandemic, but we are trying to help with digital fabrication, and i think we have done a good job so far.

Assignment Description

    individual assignment:

  • Propose a final project that integrates the range of units covered


On December 31, 2019, the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) China office heard the first reports of a previously-unknown virus behind a number of pneumonia cases in Wuhan, a city in Eastern China with a population of over 11 million. What started as an epidemic mainly limited to China has now become a truly global pandemic. There have now been over 1,924,878 confirmed cases and 119,766 deaths, according the John Hopkins University Covid-19 dashboard, which collates information from national and international health authorities. The disease has been detected in more than 200 countries and territories, with Italy, the US and Spain experiencing the most widespread outbreaks outside of China. In the UK, there have been 88,621 confirmed cases and 11,329 deaths as of April 12. You can follow the statistics here.

This created a major problem in medical needs, and one of these needs is the ventilator where there is an acute deficiency in the world in it. you can read this.

Now the global competition is about who can make a cheaper ventilation device

There are many designs and devices( open sourse), but we chose the automated AMBU bag, and we know there are medical concerns about it but we found the best use for it,after our empathy meetings with doctors.

How I imagined this project

  • It will not replace the ventilator
  • Only help in times of emergency
  • Make the mechanism of work simple and powerful
  • Higher stability with electricity and mechanical system
  • simple interface
  • using sensors(pressure, flow rate) to get feedback
  • portable

What will it do?

  • It will help in times of emergency, in intensive care, and in times of pandemic, such as Coronavirus
  • And by doing so, it reduces the pressure created by the lack of Ventilators

how it works?

  • control the (velocity, pressure, flow rate) by POT
  • All values ​​will be shown on the LCD
  • first turn on the device, then adjust the POT to control the motor, Then the mechanical mechanism moves to squeeze the AMBU bag
  • Sensors sense pressure and return values ​​to the microcontroller

Who's done what beforehand?

Many have made prototypes for it, but all are in beta, you can you can take a look here

What will you design?

  • Mechnical mechanism to squeeze the Ambu-bag, based on the movement of the arm with the Motor
  • Body
    1. Ambu-bag holder
    2. Electronics Box
  • control circuit, based on Atmega 328 Microcontroller
    1. Input device: with 3 Rotary Pot, on/off button
    2. Output device: Motor, LCD
  • Power circuit

  • What materials and components will be used?

    Where will come from?

    How much will they cost?

    Prototype V01

    1 ATMEGA 328P-AU Micro-controller 2 2.20 USD 4.40 USD FARNELL LINK
    2 Crystal 16Mhz/18pF 2 0.25 USD USD 0.50 USD FARNELL LINK
    3 Green LED 2 0.25 USD USD 0.50 USD FARNELL LINK
    4 Red LED 2 0.25 USD USD 0.50 USD FARNELL LINK
    5 10K Ohm Resistor 2 0.05 USD 0.1 USD FARNELL LINK
    6 499 Ohm Resistor 2 0.05 USD 0.1 USD FARNELL LINK
    7 22 Pf Capacitor 4 0.1 USD 0.4 USD FARNELL LINK
    8 1K Ohm Resistor 8 0.1 USD 0.8 USD Digi-Key LINK
    9 FTDI Header 2 0.25 USD 0.5 USD FARNELL LINK
    10 Stepper Motor NEMA17 1 17.42 USD 17.42 USD RAM electronics(LOCAL SHOP) LINK
    11 LCD 1 2.22 USD 2.22 USD RAM electronics(LOCAL SHOP) LINK
    12 Rotary Pot 20Kohm 3 0.16 USD 0.48 USD RAM electronics(LOCAL SHOP) LINK

    Total Cost: 41 USD

    Prototype V02

    1 ATMEGA 328P-AU Micro-controller 2 2.20 USD 4.40 USD FARNELL LINK
    2 Crystal 16Mhz/18pF 2 0.25 USD USD 0.50 USD FARNELL LINK
    3 Green LED 2 0.25 USD USD 0.50 USD FARNELL LINK
    4 yellow LED 2 0.25 USD USD 0.50 USD FARNELL LINK
    5 10K Ohm Resistor 2 0.05 USD 0.1 USD FARNELL LINK
    6 499 Ohm Resistor 2 0.05 USD 0.1 USD FARNELL LINK
    7 22 Pf Capacitor 4 0.1 USD 0.4 USD FARNELL LINK
    8 1K Ohm Resistor 8 0.1 USD 0.8 USD Digi-Key LINK
    9 FTDI Header 2 0.25 USD 0.5 USD FARNELL LINK
    10 Servo Motor Large (120) 30 kg.cm Metal Gears (FS6530M) 1 47.75 USD 47.75 USD RAM electronics(LOCAL SHOP) LINK
    11 LCD 1 2.22 USD 2.22 USD RAM electronics(LOCAL SHOP) LINK
    12 Rotary Pot 20Kohm 3 0.16 USD 0.48 USD RAM electronics(LOCAL SHOP) LINK
    13 Serial I2C LCD Daughter Board Module 1 2.23 USD 2.23 USD RAM electronics(LOCAL SHOP) LINK

    Total Cost: 63 USD

    What processes will be used

    • Design thinking process:
    • Empathise
    • Define (the Problem)
    • Ideate
    • Prototype:
      1. 2D Design
      2. Laser cutting, and testing
      3. Electronics Design
      4. Electronics production, and testing
      5. Programming, and testing
      6. Molding and Casting
      7. 3D design for electronics box, and caps of POT
      8. 3D printing
      9. Mechanical installation
      10. Control circuit installation
      11. input device
      12. Output device
      13. Testing 1
      14. Testing 2
    • Test

    How will it be evaluated?