Ismail Sevik's Fab Academy

Make Fail Learn Repeat .]

Welcome to my FabLife!

Hey! Welcome to my Fab Academy website! My name is İsmail Sevik, and I'm a maker, robotics enthusiast, and soon-to-be Mechanical Engineering student at Boston University.

Along with our instructor and four other students, I'm part of the 2025 Fab Academy class at Hisar Idealab Fab Lab, located in Istanbul, Türkiye. It's a place where we tinker, prototype, and bring ideas to life—guided by the motto "make, fail, learn, repeat." From CNC machining to 3D printing, we explore all things digital fabrication in our journey to become better makers.

Weekly assignments

  1. week 1. Project management
  2. week 2. Computer Aided Design
  3. week 3. Computer Controlled Cutting
  4. week 4. Embedded programming
  5. week 5. 3D Scanning and printing
  6. week 6. Electronics design
  7. week 7. Computer controlled machining
  8. week 8. Electronics production
  9. week 9. Molding and casting
  10. week 10. Output devices
  11. week 11. Mechanical design & machine design
  12. week 12. Input devices
  13. week 13. Networking and communications
  14. week 14. Interface and application programming
  15. week 15. Wildcard week
  16. week 16. Applications and implications
  17. week 17. Invention, intellectual property and income
  18. week 18. Project development

  19. Student Agreement

  20. Student Agreement