For my Final Project I'm planing on doing a translator glove for deaf-mute individuals.
Communication is very important for human interaction, relationship, learning and passing on information. However, there is a lack of it for deaf-mute individuals. Nowadays they can communicate with sign language but there is a barrier when interacting with people that don't understand sign language.
Tecnology offers a solution braking the barrier. A translator glove is a wearable device than can translate sign language to voice, using sensors, accelerometers and gyroscope. It can make deaf individuals engage more in the word, helping them in their day-to-day.
There are a lot of prototypes made by diferent colleges around the word, but all of them have all the wires exposed, programing board on top, etc. they can't be used for a real person.
There is only one company called: BrightSign that sells a glove that can translate in multiple languages. But isn't affordable for many users, it have a price of £2,041.
For making this tranlator glove it will be use two accelerometers/giroscope, one in the back of the hand and the other at the end of the index finger, this will help to know some basic movements and actiones. For the fingers it will be using flex sensors changing thier resistance when flexed. A lipo battery will be charged by a type-c connector. Having a switch On/Off and a Start/Stop sequence to start translating for user comfort. Rhe transmition will be send by BT to a speaker.
Material | Cost | Link for Buying |
Xiao NRF52840 | $442.00 | Buy Here |
4 Flex Sensors | $724.00 | Buy Here |
BNO08X | $649.00 | Buy Here |
Copper Tape | $680.00 | Buy Here |
Transparency Film | $295.00 | Buy Here |
Glove | $170.00 | Buy Here |
10 Magnets (4 x 2mm) | $20.00 | Buy Here |
Xiao RP2040 | $242.00 | Buy Here |
Copper Plate | $100.00 | Buy Here |
Resistors (N/A) | $5 | |
Bluetooth HC-05 | $100.00 | Buy Here |
Speaker | $20.00 | Buy Here |
H Bridge (TB67H451AFNG) | $26.00 | Buy Here |
Power Bank | $289.00 | Buy Here |
Pin Headers (N/A) | $0.00 | |
Cable (N/A) | $0.00 | |
3D Filament (case) | $40.00 | |
Total | $0.00 |