
Assignment for the week is to complete the final project.

I did my documentation in my final project page. I discuss the following at the page:

Here in this page i also discussed similar things above.

Task to be completed

s/n Task Duration Status
1 PCB board design and production two weeks Completed
2 Embedded Programming of sensors one week Completed
3 3D Design and Printing of electronic board casing One week Completed
4 Incorporation of electronics into 3D casing One Day Completed
5 3D Design,cutting, and assembly of main wooden box One week Completed
6 Laser cutting, vinyl cutting and attachment of logo One week Completed
7 Integration of all parts One week Completed

Result, what work and what did not

The project was quite a success as it was able to provide security to the contents of the locker. The sensors work pretty good, Upgrade will be made and what did not work is shown below.

Conclusions and Recommendations

The project had a significant success. It works as expected and turn out to be great product, yet the following aspect needs improvement in the next version and possibly for commercialisation purpose.

S/N Issue/Problem Improvement/solution
1 Change of password: As of date the systems password can only be changed via programming and not through the interface (keypad and screen). This is a programming issue The code would be upgraded to allow for authorised password change via the interface.
2 Registering of new biometrics for new users: As of date new finger prints can only be registered via programming and not through the interface (finger sensor and screen). This is a programming issue The code would be upgraded to enable authorised registeration of new finger prints via the interface without having to programme
3 High performance sensor: The biometric sensor sometimes takes time to read some finger prints. This is a sensor quality issue The sensor would be replaced with a better quality and higher performing sensor
4 Lock Length: The length of the solonoid lock extrusion is quite small. Though it locks well but a locking device having much longer extrusion will be better. A new solonoid lock with longer tip wouled be used or a different locking mechanism would be employed like the servo system

What i have learnt

I have learnt alot from the project development, The system has helped me alot to strugle and remain determined when trying to achieve a goal. The followings are list of what i learnt:

  1. With Fablab one can construct almost everything
  2. With adequate timing and plan it is easy to achive your goal
  3. Great products can be made locally with necessary determination
  4. Some expensive sensor are worth buying when precission is needed as cheap once tends to take or give false reasons at times. my Finger sensor sometimes takes time before reading a print
  5. It is possible to make wooden boxes without the use of nail or fastners
  6. A good finish can upgrade the status of a product
  7. I also learnt all forms of skills as seen in each of my weekly assignmente eg 3D design, printing etc

Contact Me

Phone: Email: Address: Repository:
+2348132166281 No.3 Alimoh Abu street, wuye districs.Abuja Nigeria. Gitlab Repo