(good one)Vinyl Cut
Write something at the front
I have some free time to test the Vinyl Cutting machine on 5.20th
File Sharing
The image file is here
The Preparation
This is the machine we use for the Vinyl Cut:
And it needs a software which can be downloaded from the Cricut official Website.
I directly use the software to design:
- Create a new project
- Here can upload the image
- I want to cut my with my name, telling by my friend:
- But it seems complicated, so I add a simple graph:
This is I am using Inkscape to do it.
- Later it will look like this, for setting it up
Then I can move to the machine.
Machine Cut
First need to connect the computer to the machine, with USB interface:
Then put the material into the attaching board
Pressing this button to set the machine up
This is the output:
Put them attach to the wall and draw a smiling face: