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Week15 - Interface and Application Programming

Here are my week 15 assignment

What should I achieve in this week:

Group Assignment:

  • Compare as many tool options as possible

individual assignment:

  • Write an application that interfaces a user with an input &/or output device that I made

Interface and Application Programming Notes


2021/labs/waag/students, cover the python with different buttons

Pick a language to do the software

Go, Rust, Flutter, Dart - languages not the performance but for the security

functional languages - Haskell, Scala

APL - do the math

Python - best elements combined

PyCharm - background

Processing - embedded system, Arduino


  • nothing to do with Java
  • browser using, web application
  • node.js, the modules enabling everywhere
  • npm, js the package

Web assemably - compile

data flow - blockly - block face

mods - generate web socket to convert modules

nodered - framework, local server, visual data programming

data flow programming - mods and nodered

copilot, chat gpt - help asking

no one is the best, try as much as more

Device interface

I2S - CircuitPython

MQTT: different working devices talk to each other

MQTT + (many sensors scenarios) (visual data, integration)

Brokers - host the communication(everything), the heart of MQTT

  • Creeating channels on the borkers
  • Publishing and subscribing on the channels
  • It can happen in the web browers for visual data(web connecting to the brokers)
  • many to many, many to one, one to maney for two devices, using UDP to do the direct commincation

Data Interface

JSON - Structure the data Toml - Fab inventory using MongoDB - data store, stable and secure

User Interface

Ncarses - Put charector on the scrneen

TK - Tkinter bonding to Python - run about everywhere

Forms - html forms, form elements, lowest common

IQuery - nice looking library

Backbone - multiple librriers holding

meteor, babel, blynk - write code in once and present eveywhere(supported platforms)


Canvas - just put pixel(dots) on the screen

SVG - 2d Good standard, have idenity

threejs - 3D present, can directly python programming it

Unity - Game engine

Audio, video - SDL media framework, fill a buffer with sound


VR - webxr, talk to VR, threejs also do the work

numpy - strongly recommended for math, calculate vector value, etc, tools to present the data

PyTorch - programming machine learning (machine modeling 2023) do it on browser with TensorFlow

Peformance - the processing speed

FLPOTS - The calculation benchmark and the calculation formula. *python is slow

MicroPython - Rative code emitter


Tachi - can do graphics, so it can run on GPU


google cloud - deploy and transmit the data on the cloud, some big servers

expermineal to talk to the device