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About me

Hi! My name is Andrew Jiang and I am a high school sophomore studying at Charlotte Latin School in Charlotte, North Carolina. I have been interested in the STEM areas for all of my life, which is reflected in my background. Within STEM, I am specifically enthusiastic about aerospace and programming. My other activites include playing tennis, playing chess, and doing robotics.

I’ve always been interested in fabrication, whether its building robots or taking engineering classes at school, and I have commited that my career will most likely be STEM related at the least. Fab Academy is a way for me to take my all-around engineering skills to the next level, and I am very grateful that I get this great opportunity. I am excited to see what I will create along this journey.

Visit this website to see my work!

My background

I was originally born in Austin, Texas, and then I moved to Charlotte, North Carolina where I live now. As mentioned above, my passion for STEM has been a huge part of my life. Throughout my STEM career, I have mainly participated in FIRST robotics competitions such as FIRST Lego League and FIRST Tech Challenge, where I’ve competed at both the state and national level.

In addition to participating in FIRST programs, I have also taken some STEM related classes at school, where I’ve been able to create some interesting projects.

RC Car

This is a rc car that I built in around a month during my first semester of engineering classes at school. It uses a laser cut wood box to hide the electronics, which are two dc motors, l298n motor driver, arduino, and battery pack. The wheels’ speed and direction are also controlled by an external joystick, with a custom 3D printed rook mount on top.

Here is my full documentation for this project.

This project ultimately inspired my Fab final project, which will be an RC Quadcopter


Another one of my hobbies is playing chess. I have been playing competitively for about 7 years now, and I’ve grown to love the game as I’ve gotten better and better at it, at one point being a top ranked junior in the nation. While not being directly related to engineering, it’s given me a variety of skills such as critical thinking and problem solving, which I continue to use in Fab Academy as well as throughout the rest of my life.

Last update: June 2, 2022