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About me

Hi! I am Alaric Pan. Above you can see a picture of me known as Agent Pan. I am a student at Charlotte Latin School, and since my enrollment in 7th grade, I have been interested in engineering and have taken the courses offered in it. To relax in my spare time, I play piano, play chess, and solve sudokus.

Visit this website to see my work!

Previous work

Below are various projects that I have created

LED Chess Board

Working with my classmate Aaron Logan, we made an LED chess board inspired by DIY Machines. The board lights up the checkerboard pattern as a default, and with the input of coordinates specifying the coordinates of a piece, it would show the possible moves (does not factor in illegal moves that would leave the king defenseless), and with a second input of coordinates it would process the move keeping track of all the pieces. If at any point the coordinates inputted are invalid, it flashes red and restarts the move selection process.

The pieces are not made by us and are only included for demonstration purposes


With two teammates, Hayden Willet and Miller Workman, I participated in a competition in 9th grade called Ecybermission where we use technology to try to solve a problem in our community. We used the Neurosky Mindwave EEG headset to scan brain waves for focus coupled with rudementary machine learning via tensorflow to find optimal study conditions for students or people in general.

Last update: January 30, 2022