16 mechanical design, machine design

fernando meneses


16 mechanical design, machine design

For this activity, a 3D scanning machine was developed using two axes of the machine Gestalt and an axis of rotation, here’s a video of the prototype.

This is a team activity, Patricio Ortiz and Rafael Gutierrez worked on cutting and assembly of cardboard. Daniela Frogheri, Karyna Ana Gomez and I, we work with programming. At the beginning we were trying to set the PCB Gestalt, here’s a video to remember.

But after many, many, many attempts we end up thinking that this was because physical errors such as the FTDI cable TV, some PCB worked to a certain point and others were not working but nothing. As we had time for us we decided to look for alternatives and found some drivers for stepper motors.


In the end the Easy Driver and TB6560V2, controlled from the FabKit were used.

Easy Driver:

EasyDriver_v44 (1)




Tb6560 stepping motor driver .



here the code.

  1. int P = 8;
  2. int D = 10;
  3. int V = 50;
  4. int P1 = 30000;
  5. int P2 = 300;
  6. void setup() {
  7. pinMode(D, OUTPUT);
  8. pinMode(P, OUTPUT);
  9. }
  10. void pasos(boolean dir,int pasos){
  11. digitalWrite(D,dir);
  12. delay(100);
  13. for(int i=0;i<pasos;i++){
  14. digitalWrite(P, HIGH);
  15. delayMicroseconds(100);
  16. digitalWrite(P, LOW);
  17. delayMicroseconds(100);
  18. }
  19. }
  20. void loop(){
  21. pasos(true,P1);
  22. delay(V);
  23. pasos(false,P2);
  24. delay(V);
  25. }

Our machine only needed to control the movements of axes to calibrate the camera, this time we chose a mobile phone, but future versions will use the camera recommended by Neil , this is a video with the demonstration of the shooting.

Scanny 0.0



FullSizeRender (6)


To make a machine is fabulous, it is out of frustration with the PCB of Gestalt, the experience of thinking in the machine it was amazing, now that we already move the engine is easier to imagine what else could be done, and here everything is possible. Undoubtedly make a machine is a necessary activity in the philosophy of doing almost anything.

see more >>>


Original source: http://academy.cba.mit.edu/classes/mechanical_design/index.html

Contact:  fernando.meneses@udem.edu / fernandomeneses@nodolab.com /  f  /  in  /  g+ / b / vmx / w