About Me
My Project

Sergio Subrizi

About Me

The Assignments
  1. Principles and Practices, Project Management
  2. Computer-Aided Design
  3. Computer-Controlled Cutting
  4. Electronics Production
  5. 3D Scanning and Printing
  6. Electronics Design
  7. Embedded Programming
  8. Computer-Controlled Machining
  9. Molding and Casting
  10. Input Devices
  11. Output Devices
  12. Composites
  13. Networking and Communications
  14. Mechanical Design, Machine Design
  15. Interface and Application Programming
  16. Applications and Implications
  17. Invention, Intellectual Property, and Income
  18. Project Development
  19. Project Presentation

Molding and Casting

My first idea was to make a mold for some big timing pulley that I need to build a 4th axis ( indexer ) for my CNC, the idea was to copy an expensive 72 teeth XL pulley, and compare the results with a 3D printed one. Unfortunately I'm still waiting my aluminium "master", so I decided to mold the knobs for my Pc desk.

First I tested the mold with water and put it inside a freezer, I obtained an "impermanent" Ice knob, then I used the Smooth-Sil 940, combining the two part in a proportion of 10:1 in weight. the mold was treated with vegetal oil to better separate from the silicone ... which was an error because I used too much :-) and some holes due to residual oil were made. The result is a perfect copy of all the small details/imperfections of the 3D print plus some imperfection due to the excess of oil.