About Me
My Project

Sergio Subrizi

About Me

The Assignments
  1. Principles and Practices, Project Management
  2. Computer-Aided Design
  3. Computer-Controlled Cutting
  4. Electronics Production
  5. 3D Scanning and Printing
  6. Electronics Design
  7. Embedded Programming
  8. Computer-Controlled Machining
  9. Molding and Casting
  10. Input Devices
  11. Output Devices
  12. Composites
  13. Networking and Communications
  14. Mechanical Design, Machine Design
  15. Interface and Application Programming
  16. Applications and Implications
  17. Invention, Intellectual Property, and Income
  18. Project Development
  19. Project Presentation

Principles and Practices, Project Management

Building the site is the primary goal. Thank to Lorenzo, I made an online course with CodeCademy and in a few days I knew the html/css principles which I found very easy and amusing.The structure is composed by Three pages: the first one is the home page where you get the basic informations and the link to the other two pages. The second page is about me, what I did and what I do now. The third (this one) will have all the work, the documentations and the exercises. Divide the page the way I want was a bit tricky ... Margins, Borders, Paddings, Contents and their relative properties when they interact with other elements, is at the very beginning difficult,until you remember all the command. The code was written in a text-editor program called "Sublime Text", It has some usefull things like line index, color code highlights. And "firebug" is an helpful extension to my browser. I like a "minimalistic style" site ... well mine is not the case :-), I choosed to test and play with various commands and tricks as part of the exercise.

In the Home Page, The list of the Assignements change color when mouse is pointed on ... Green for the Assignement done, and Red for the Assignement to do.

        .text:hover {
            transform: scale(1.1,1.1);
            -webkit-transform: scale(1.1,1.1);
            -o-transform: scale(1.1,1.1);
            -moz-transform: scale(1.1,1.1);
       .text2:hover {
           transform: scale(1.1,1.1);
           -webkit-transform: scale(1.1,1.1);
           -o-transform: scale(1.1,1.1);
           -moz-transform: scale(1.1,1.1);
The Picture of the Boat change the size as mouse in pointed on ...
                    .hcenter:hover {
                    margin: center;
                    text-align: center;
                    transform: scale(1.1,1.1);
                    -webkit-transform: scale(1.1,1.1);
                    -o-transform: scale(1.1,1.1);
                    -moz-transform: scale(1.1,1.1);
Another interessing thing is the possibility to have link not just to a page but directly to a choosed point of the page: the first line is the link to the page named "theassignement" and "#cad" point directly where the id="cad" is positioned
//in the page: "index.html"
<a class="text2" href="theassignements.html#cad"> computer-Aided design </a>
//in the page "theassignement" <h2 id="cad">Computer-Aided Design</h2>

This was one of the assignments I was scared of ... never used html/css and I am an absolute beginner in programming. I think there are still many things to learn, but I am not scared anymore :-).

09 Feb update
Some other progress in html: in my (old page) project development I choosed to divide in three argument, Mechanical, Electronic and Programming. the html/css is now adaptive and seem to works right :-)
2 mar update
Some restiling of the Html/CSS, I optimized the page for a 1024 resolution, the images are a little bit bigger
16 mar update
Ok, time to chage completely ( old page link ) the structure of this page. I liked my "first" site, I've learned a lot, I tested some nice tricks, but I need something different to better document my assignements, looking at other's students work I understood how I can produce a much better documentation and work. For the site, I liked what my mate Tommaso did with picture gallery in his site. I think more and bigger picture can help the documentation. Instead of rebuild all my site I choosed to change just the assignements page, so my site would not be totaly upset, but will mantain his original aspect. The use of "Picasa" web galleries has some nice advantage, the first one is that everything is much cleaner, the second is that I can add as many pictures I whant without using Fabacademy space, the third is the possibility to add the pictures whenever I want from every computer I choose ... (we upload the site only from a specific computer with linux installed from our fablab. This will limit the risk of crashing the Fabacademy site)
Mercurial is the software used to update/upload our sites. It's a command line program and my reminder pin is this:
  1. cd_~/Documents/fab2015/europe
  2. hg pull
  3. hg update
  4. hg addremove
  5. hg diff
  6. hg commit -m "comment"
  7. hg push
  8. hg status
  9. hg heads
I still need some improvements ... I would like to have some mixed slideswow effect like powerpoint where images and text work toghether, this will make this part much easier to follow.
16 April progress
Well it seems I did not respected the correct rule: I can't use and external service for the picture, all the pictures must reside on the MIT server, so time to change again :-) .... I like the gallery idea and I would like to ad to the gallery also some text to each photo, this could help a better understanding .... but my knowledge is limited so I asked an helping hand to SPQwoRk our super Web Master Guru Giorgio Pomettini which talking with two other person on two different arguments solved the problem in 112 sec this way:

//This Part is located in the Header (omitted the code out of topic)
<head> omitted
<style> #galleriaprojman{height:640px; width: 100%; display: block; margin: 2em 0;} </style>
</!-- load jQuery --> </script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1/jquery.js">/script> </!-- load Galleria --> </script src="galleria-1.4.2.min.js">/script> </!-- load picasa plugin --> </script src="galleria.picasa.min.js">/script>
//This is the part where the pictures are inserteded in the page
<div id="galleriaprojman"> <img src="photos9/milling01.jpg" data-title="Test Test Test" data-description="Picture Description"> <img src="photos9/milling01.jpg" data-title="Test2 Test2" data-description="Picture2 Description"> </div>
// Load the classic theme (this part is inserted at the bottom of the page) Galleria.loadTheme('themes/classic/galleria.classic.js');
Galleria.run('#galleriaprojman', // The user & album on Picasa.(omitted in my case because we wanted the image on the MIT server) //picasa:'useralbum:104195930708789857863/ProjectManagement',

19-May Updates
A new page for the final project was created, I wanted to have a dinamic menu but I'm still in working progress on the programming side ... so instead of using .js, I found a way the the knowledge I already have ... few line of CSS:
.sposta02 {
position: absolute;
left: -340px;
top: 104px;
height: 430px;
width: 370px;
background-color: #101010;
opacity: 1;
border-radius: 2px;
margin: 0px;
color: red;
line-height: 1.2em;
z-index: 999;
text-decoration: none;

.sposta02:hover {
transition: 1s;
transform: translate(340px,0px);
text-decoration: none;

A special thanks to the "Web Master Guru" Alessandro Papaleo who always helped with hints and most of all ... his debugging help when my page was doing some crazy things or didn't obey to my coding :-) ... I also discovered with his help a very helpful feature of my text editor (Sublime Text): you can copy cut and parts of the code just by dragging it to the desired place.