W11 ¦ Output Devices

Assignment for week 11

Stepper motor and hall sensor

This week I wanted to use the opportunity to program a Stepper motor for my final project. I added a Hall sensor the board as well. I intend to use the Hall sensor for positioning.

  1. These are the parts I used for the board.

  2. The traces.

  3. Drawing in Eagle went well. I simply used my newfound knowledge of altering the image in Photoshop after having exported it.

  4. In the lab I found a unipolar stepper motor. Here is the data-sheet

  5. The motor has six wires. To find out how to connect them I measured the current running through each combination.

  6. Best is to pre-solder each wire and then solder the two ends together.

  7. It was bit confusing to find out where which wire should go. I started by attaching the six pin shoe to the cable, I then used the digital multimeter to find out which wire was what.

  8. Using heat-shrink to insulate the wires.

  9. The motor connected to power.

  10. I learned how to use the power supply to test whether the 4 pin power connector shoe was correctly attached to the battery wires. By taking down the current to 0.04 Amps but keeping the Volts at 7 I would not damage anything if it was the wrong way around.


  1. Programming the board using Neil’s makefile went well. I intended to serial connect this board using the ISP connection. But I found out that the motor connection and the programming header are too close so I can not physically fit two six pin connector shoes next to each other.

  2. I got the motor to run bacwards and forwards alright.

Here is where my problems started. I now wanted to combine the Hall sensor program with the Stepper Motor program. That did not go smoothly. I have no prior experience in programming and even though I have been watching programming courses online I was no closer to understanding what needed doing to get these two programmes into one! For me this is like trying to compose a symphony only knowing ONE note.

I started by writing sudo code explaining to myself what needed doing. I then made an honest attempt to combine Neil´s two programs and adding my own requirements for my final project. After a long day of frustration I took a step back, had a good think about this and decided that I needed to program this in the Arduino environment. There I would at least stand a chance.

Here is my sudo code:

  • I have 40 seats
  • I start my day by looking for my “home” position using my hall sensor.
  • Home is seat nr. 1
  • I move my motor constantly at a certain speed
  • If I get an order to move to a new seat I do the following:
  • If the new seat is same as my current one I stop
  • I subtract my current seat number from the new one
  • If the answer is a negative number I move that same amount in counter clockwise direction
  • If the answer is a positive number I move forward that same amount
  • Then I stay there for at least 60 sek.

  • Programming in the Arduino environment

    Working within the Arduino environment was more to my liking. Here is the code I managed to put together in the end:

    Stepper Motor & Hall Sensor - 
    Sigga Helga
    FabAcademy  Mai, 2015
    I am using ATtiny 44 AVR microcontroller with 8MHz internal clock and programming it with FABISP.
    The TX (transmited from computer)= MOSI (MasterOutSlaveIn) is on PA6 and translates as Pin 5 in arduino 
    The RX (Received from computer)= MISO (MasterInSlaveOut) is on PA5 and translates as Pin 6 in arduino 
    I am using Stepper motor: PF35T-48L4
    The data sheet:http://www.jameco.com/jameco/products/prodds/171601.pdf
    It is a unipolar motor with six wires, the step angle is 7.5 degrees
    Stepper is attached as follows: 
    Coil 1 = PAO=Brown is PIN 0, PA1=Black is PIN 1,
    Coil 2 = PA2=Yellow is PIN 2, PA3=orange is PIN 3,
    Red and Green are connected to power
    This program controls one motor.  I have many motors connected and I am talking to many microcontroller all listening in on the same line
    I am sending 2 bites of info, first is the ID of the motor, second is the new location.
    When the microcontoller reconizes it's ID it acts on the order, otherwise it ignors it.
    #define ID 1
    #define stepsPerPosition 12  //if the motor has 7,5 degree steps that means 360/7,5 = 48 and each "step_cw" function consists of 4 steps hence 48/4 =12 for full circle
    #define totalPositions 40
    #define myHomePosition 1
    int motorPin1 = 0;  //Brown
    int motorPin2 = 1;  //Black
    int motorPin3 = 2;  //Yellow
    int motorPin4 = 3;  //Orange
    #define delayTime 5
    int hallSensorPin = A7;  //Hall Sensor reads magnetic field.  Using this to find the "home" positstion
    int myCurrentPosition = myHomePosition; // position 0 does not excist....0;
    int myTargetPosition = 0;// position 0 does not excist....0
    SoftwareSerialWithHalfDuplex mySerial(6, 5, false, false); // RX, TX  for reciving and transmitting data
    void setup() {
      pinMode(motorPin1, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(motorPin2, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(motorPin3, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(motorPin4, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(hallSensorPin, INPUT);
      mySerial.println("hello you"); // debug line - prints "hello You" each time you reset the program
    //====================MAIN LOOP====================================================================
    void loop(){
      if (myTargetPosition ==0) {
        if(mySerial.available() >= 2 ){  // if 2 bytes or more arrived through the seraial communication line
                int targetID = mySerial.read();
                int newTargetPosition = mySerial.read();
                if (targetID == ID ){
                  myTargetPosition = newTargetPosition;  // make my
          if (myCurrentPosition != myTargetPosition){
    //==================DEFINING FUNCTIONS=============================================================
    void whichDirectionToGo (){
     if (myTargetPosition > myCurrentPosition) {
      else if (myTargetPosition < myCurrentPosition) {
    void moveOnePositionCW (){ //clockwise direction
        if (myCurrentPosition == totalPositions+1) // if I am one over myTotalPositions I am back to square one (the counting for totalPositions starts at zero hence the plus 1.
            {myCurrentPosition = 1;
        for (int i = 0; i < stepsPerPosition; i++) {  //each "step_cw" consist of 4 steps, so if the motor has 7,5 degree steps that means 360/7,5 = 48 and 48/4 =12
    void moveOnePositionCCW(){  //counterClockWise direction
        if (myCurrentPosition == 0 )  // if I am one over myTotalPositios (-1)I reset the counter to start counting again
            {myCurrentPosition = totalPositions;
        for (int i = 0; i < stepsPerPosition; i++) {
    void findHomePosition() { 
         int hallSensorValue = analogRead(hallSensorPin);
         while ((hallSensorValue > 450) && (hallSensorValue < 550)) {
           delay (1);
           hallSensorValue = analogRead(hallSensorPin);
       // while (1){                                    //Debugger- sends the Hall Sensor's reading to the console window 
        myCurrentPosition = myHomePosition; 
    //Forward steps- Clock wise = cw
    void step_cw() {
      digitalWrite(motorPin1, LOW);
      digitalWrite(motorPin2, LOW);
      digitalWrite(motorPin3, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(motorPin4, LOW);
      digitalWrite(motorPin1, LOW);
      digitalWrite(motorPin2, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(motorPin3, LOW);
      digitalWrite(motorPin4, LOW);
      digitalWrite(motorPin1, LOW);
      digitalWrite(motorPin2, LOW);
      digitalWrite(motorPin3, LOW);
      digitalWrite(motorPin4, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(motorPin1, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(motorPin2, LOW);
      digitalWrite(motorPin3, LOW);
      digitalWrite(motorPin4, LOW);
    //Backward steps - Counter clock wise = ccw
    void step_ccw() {
      digitalWrite(motorPin1, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(motorPin2, LOW);
      digitalWrite(motorPin3, LOW);
      digitalWrite(motorPin4, LOW);
      digitalWrite(motorPin1, LOW);
      digitalWrite(motorPin2, LOW);
      digitalWrite(motorPin3, LOW);
      digitalWrite(motorPin4, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(motorPin1, LOW);
      digitalWrite(motorPin2, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(motorPin3, LOW);
      digitalWrite(motorPin4, LOW);
      digitalWrite(motorPin1, LOW);
      digitalWrite(motorPin2, LOW);
      digitalWrite(motorPin3, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(motorPin4, LOW);

    Here is a vido showing the motor in action moving to the right postion. The video was actually shot in week 14 when I had also mangaged to establed networking communication between the microcontroller and a website sitting on a server, using a node.js bridge:

    Files to download from this week

    Stepper motors

    Great video on youtube: How the Stepper motors are made and how they operate

    Lesson 11: Output Devices

    Here is this week's lecture on Output Devices on Vimeo.

    Review 11: Output Devices

    Here you can find the homework review for Output Devices on VIMEO


    Skills Acquired:

    • Learn about as many types of outputs as possible
      • analog/digital
    • Grasp the “typical application”
      • Understand why the “hello world” board needs the included components
    • Understand the:
      • difference between analog/digital
      • pinout / connection points
      • power requirements
      • how to drive / control / talk to device
    • Be able to troubleshoot problems
      • what are the limitations, parameters?

    Documentation Required for Completion:

    At Minimum (electronics beginners):

    • Fabricate the “hello world” input example board(s)
    • Program them in as many languages as possible
    • Optional: Make as many output boards as possible and thoroughly understand how they work.
    • Document:
      • each board created/device used
      • what it does
      • what protocol it uses
      • what you learned

    Students with Previous Electronics Experience:

    • Above requirements, plus….
    • Design your own output board(s)
    • Provide the design files
    • Use new and output devices

    What’s the Point?:

    If the beginner student doesn’t understand how the output device works and how talk to it, plus the additional components needed for the “typical application” to get the proper data out then ...

    • That student will never progress to designing their own boards for their final project.
    • The temptation to use an Arduino will be strong.
    • Arduino use signals a “FAIL” on the part of the Academy and it’s Gurus.
    • We need to facilitate learning and the weekly cycle is short.